
Send Mindful Feedback surveys automatically after callback interactions end.

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

The Survey section of the Connections page contains integrations with Mindful Feedback. These connections automatically send Feedback surveys to customers after callback interactions end.

The first connection uses Mindful Feedback's SMS capabilities to send survey links to customers. The second connection uses Mindful Callback's SMS notifications to send the links. Both options result in the same user experience, but organizations that already use Mindful notifications may choose the second option to maintain the same Caller ID for all messages.

image of survey connections
Note: Some configuration steps in this guide may be skipped if you have already configured individual connectors for different use cases.

Attribute mapping between Callback and Feedback

The following Mindful Callback attributes can be mapped onto Mindful Feedback survey attributes:

Populate the agent_id core survey attribute.
Populate the external_ref core survey attribute. By default, a value of originalId will use the callback identifier and a value of id will use the callback attempt identifier.
Populate the call_type core survey attribute. By default, a value of callTargetName will populate the name of the associated Call Target in Mindful, and a value of callTargetId will populate the Call Target ID.

All metadata configured to pass in Mindful webhooks will be passed as custom survey attributes along with several pieces of data available for the callback:

actualCallbackTime, ani, callTargetId, callTargetName, createdAt, estimatedCallbackTime, estimatedFor, endedAt, firstPartyCalled, segmentName, outcome, sourceType, source, type, wasPunctual, punctuality, callbackId, phoneNumber, processedAt


Populate a custom survey attribute named punctualityBand, which is a discrete value indicating how punctual the callback was. Values can be:

  • - > 30 minutes

  • - 15-30 minutes

  • - 10-15 minutes

  • - 5-10 minutes

  • - 3-5 minutes

  • - 0-3 minutes

  • + 0-3 minutes

  • + 3-5 minutes

  • + 5-10 minutes

  • + 10-15 minutes

  • + 15-30 minutes

  • + > 30 minutes

The following example shows Feedback interaction details containing values passed from Mindful Connections:

image interaction details with attributes from Mindful Connections

Post call survey (Mindful Feedback SMS)

The first connection uses Mindful Feedback's SMS capabilities to send survey links.

Note: Before you begin, you will need a survey configured in Mindful Feedback and an Add interaction webhook URL generated for that survey. To learn how to generate the URL, see Add a survey via webhook.

Follow the steps below to enable this connection:

  1. Click Enable on the "Post Call Survey" tile (for SMS or web via SMS).

  2. Enter a Client ID and Secret from a Mindful API Application Client.

    image of the input fields for client ID and secret
  3. When prompted, enter the required values to configure the survey to be sent.

    example of configuring details of a survey
    • Endpoint — Enter the Add interaction webhook URL for the survey, from the Feedback UI.

    • Survey Type — Select the survey type ("sms" by default) to apply to the interaction.

    • Call Type Key — Enter the Mindful data key (callTargetName by default) to map onto the call_type survey attribute in Feedback.

    • External Ref Key — Enter the Mindful data key (originalId by default) to map onto the external_ref survey attribute in Feedback.

    • Agent Id Key — Enter the Mindful data key to map onto the agent_id survey attribute in Feedback, if needed.


    To learn more about Feedback survey attributes, see Survey interaction data model.

After Installation, a Mindful team member will need to provide a webhook URL for the surveys.


If there are errors at any point in processing, one retry attempt will be made after a delay.

Post call survey (Mindful notifications SMS)

This connection uses Mindful Callback's SMS notifications to send survey links. Organizations that already use Mindful notifications may choose this option to maintain the same Caller ID for all messages — both notifications and surveys.

Follow the steps below to enable this connection:

  1. Click Enable on the "Post Call Survey" tile (using Mindful Callback's notifications).

  2. Enter a Client ID and Secret from a Mindful API Application Client.

    image of the input fields for client ID and secret
  3. Enter your Customer UUID and Auth Token from the Customer Settings page (Customer Credentials tab) in the Mindful Feedback UI.

    Leave the default value in the Base URL field unless instructed otherwise by the Mindful team.

    fields to connect to Feedback
  4. Enter your Mindful Messaging API token when prompted.

    Contact the Mindful Support or Solution Delivery team to obtain your token.

    API token field
  5. On the final page, configure the message to send, survey details, and Caller ID in the fields provided:

    example survey fields
    • Beginning and End of Message Content — Enter text to appear above and below the survey link in the message sent to customers. The survey link will appear between the text configured in these two fields.

    • Survey ID — Use the dropdown menu to select a survey associated with your Feedback organization.

      This field will automatically populate based on the Feedback credentials entered earlier.

    • Call Type Key — Enter the Mindful data key (callTargetName by default) to map onto the call_type survey attribute in Feedback.

    • External Ref Key — Enter the Mindful data key (originalId by default) to map onto the external_ref survey attribute in Feedback.

    • Agent Id Key — Enter the Mindful data key to map onto the agent_id survey attribute in Feedback, if needed.

    • Handle — Enter a value to assign as the Caller ID for messages.

      To use the same Caller ID for notifications and surveys, you will need to configure the same Handle for all Call Targets in your organization and this connection.


    To learn more about Feedback survey attributes, see Survey interaction data model.

After Installation, a team member will need to provide a webhook URL for the surveys.


If there are errors at any point in processing, one retry attempt will be made after a delay.