Datastore CTI Event Relay

The Datastore CTI Event Relay guide provides comprehensive instructions on how to integrate the Mindful Datastore with other applications using the CTI Event Relay.

Mindful Datastore is accessible on the Mindful platform and seamlessly integrates with the entire suite of Mindful cloud products. However, the Datastore can also be used by other applications via the CTI Event Relay.

Download and Install

Quick access: Datastore > Data Set Templates

  1. Click Edit on the Data Set Template to which you would like to connect. This takes you to the New Data Set Template page.image of the template data keys page with the edit icon highlighted
  2. Click Add Template Data Key. This opens the New Template Data Key modal.

    image of the new data set template page with the add template data key button highlighted
  3. Download the CTI Event Relay executable (.exe) file by clicking the Click to download the CTI Event Relay link. Then click Cancel to close the modal.

    image of the new template data key modal window with the download link highlighted
  4. Launch the .exe file. You may need to grant permissions for this trusted executable file to be run.
  5. Close all other applications before starting the Setup Wizard. This keeps you from having to reboot your computer if there are relevant system file updates that need to occur during setup.
  6. Follow the Setup Wizard prompts.
  7. Enter the necessary information on the first configuration page:image of the installer
    • IP Address and Port number for the local machine the event relay is being installed on.
    • API Access Token copied from the Mindful Datastore's Data Set Templates page
  8. Click Next process, then confirm the Destination Folder where the CTI Event Relay will live.
  9. Click Install. You will see a progress bar advance until installation is complete.
  10. When installation is marked as Completed, click Close.

Connect the CTI Event Relay

Before beginning, keep in mind that the Mindful Solution Delivery team is available to assist with this step, if needed.

  1. To begin, locate the CTIEventRelay folder using the file path specified as the Destination Folder during installation.
  2. Next, update the appsettings.json file as needed for your specific confirmation (see details below).

Configuration details

The appsettings.json file contains the configuration items for the EventParser and CTIEventRelay components. Refer to the following table for definitions of appsettings.json parameters.

Item nameDescription

Sets the default root log path for log files

Currently only supports the value of TIALICM.


The IP or hostname to start the Application Gateway server on.

More than likely this should be the IP or hostname of the machine that the CTIEventRelay is running on.

local_portThe port that the Application Gateway server will be listening on
datastore_urlURL to the data_sets API of the Datastore
api_tokenAPI token that correlates to the Datastore data set
log_levelControls the verbosity of the logger. By default this should be set to 5
log_pathSets the default root log path for log files
Example JSON
    "switch_type": "TIALICM",
    "local_ip_hostname": "",
    "local_port": 3000,
    "datastore_url": "",
    "datastore_api_token": "KV+xz9REqgfGpvZK31VV6UGeq78Y9oYinGCRzlvWha4=",
    "log_level": 5,
    "log_path": "C:\\EventRelay\\Logs"


Startup logging

On startup, the logs will be quiet until events start coming into the system unless there was an issue loading the TIAL dll or an issue starting the Application Gateway server.

Log messageLikely causesNotes
TIALWrapper::TIALWrapper|Failed to load DLL: TIAL_ICM.dll
  • Mindful Datastore failed to load the TIAL dll.
TIALWrapper::TIALWrapper|Failed to load DLL:[dll name](presence of dll name)
  • An issue locating the dll.
The switch_type was set correctly.
TIALWrapper::TIALWrapper|Failed to load DLL:(no dll name)
  • The switch type was not set correctly.
TIALWrapper::TIALWrapper|Failed to initialize AppGWServer with HostName and Port 3000
  • Mindful Datastore failed to start the Application Gateway.
  • Hostname is not correct.
  • Port is not available.

Event Processing

When an event enters the system, initial checks are made, and the event may be discarded as a result of missing fields or unexpected values.

Log messageLikely causesNotes
DS_GET:1234567890n/aWe expect the subtype to be either DS_GET or DS_POST. These values can be suffixed with the customer's contact number.
TIALWrapper::process_event|Failed TEPRM_SubType missingThe subtype field is missing.n/a
TIALWrapper::process_event|Failed invalid TEPRM_SubType: Some_Other_ValueThe subtype is not:
  • DS_GET or
TIALWrapper::process_event|Failed|customer contact number not set
  • The subtype is not suffixed with customer's contact number AND
  • The calling line ID is not set with the customer's contact number
We expect either the calling line ID to be set or the contact number to be suffixed onto the subtype. The contact number in the subtype takes precedence over the calling line ID if both are set.
TIALWrapper::process_event|Failed|could not create interaction IDThe router call key and router call day values are not available.The router call key and router call day are used to generate an interaction ID for the request.
TIALWrapper::process_post|Sending POST request for interaction ID = 153288|301n/aSend a POST request to the Mindful Datastore.
TIALWrapper::process_get|Sending GET request for interaction ID = 153288|301n/aSend a GET request to the Mindful Datastore.

Web requests to Mindful Datastore

Log messageLikely causesNotes
GetHandler|Failed|interaction ID = 153288|301|Datastore URL =|HTTP Response Code = 500Unsuccessful GET request to the Mindful Datastore.n/a
PostHandler|Failed|interaction ID = 153288|301|Datastore URL =|HTTP Response Code = 500Unsuccessful POST request to the Mindful Datastore .n/a
GetHandler|Exception|interaction ID = 153288|301|Datastore URL = not://a.valid-uriGetHandler Exception orccurred:
  • URI is not valid or
  • Network connectivity issue
PostHandler|Exception|interaction ID = 153288|301|Datastore URL = not://a.valid-uriPostHandler Exception occurred:
  • URI is not valid or
  • Network connectivity issue

Data Keys

Call Variables

Up to 10 call variables are supported. The expected key names are as follows:

call_variable1, call_variable2, call_variable3, call_variable4, call_variable5, call_variable6, call_variable7, call_variable8, call_variable9, call_variable10

Call Context Collection

The expected key name is: