
Webhooks are automated notifications sent from Mindful when specific events occur, such as the registration, cancellation, or reconnection of callbacks. You can configure as many webhooks as needed and subscribe to these real-time alerts to allow your integrations to act upon these events.

image of the webhooks list page

Mindful webhooks can serve a variety of custom use cases. For example, if you use a customer-experience (CX) platform to track touchpoints in the customer journey, you could subscribe to Mindful webhooks to track callback requests for each customer along with the outcomes of their requests. You could then update the CX records with information about the customer experience, such as whether or not their callback succeeded, and how long they waited on hold after reconnecting.


Creating a New Webhook

When you create a new webhook in Mindful, you tell Mindful where to send event payloads and which events to send. You can create as many webhooks as you'd like, keeping in mind that each webhook must have a unique Primary Webhook Payload URL.

First, open the Webhooks page from the sidebar menu, then click Add Webhook.

example of creating a new webhook

Use the notes below as a guide to configuring a new webhook.

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name to be used in the Mindful UI.

  • Description: Enter a description of the purpose of this webhook, to differentiate it from any others.

  • Primary Webhook Payload URL: Enter the destination to which events should be sent. Each webhook must have a unique Primary Webhook Payload URL.

  • Content Type: Select the content type to be used when sending events. We only support application/json at this time, meaning that all events will be sent in JSON format.

  • (Optional) Secret: If the system receiving and processing webhook events (at the Payload URL) requires an authentication token, enter it here.
    • Anything entered in the Secret field will be passed in the Authorization header of webhook messages exactly as it appears in the field. You can use this to validate that the messages came from Mindful.

    • If Basic Authentication is required on the receiving end, you can enter "Basic <auth value>" into the Secret field to provide the required credentials in the Authorization header.

  • Enable Backup URL: Select the checkbox to enable the Backup Payload URL field beneath it.
    • If an event is not received at the primary Payload URL (indicated by a lack of 2xx response code or a timeout), Mindful will make one attempt to send the event to the Backup Payload URL.

  • Backup Payload URL: Enter an alternative destination to which events should be sent after a failure to reach the primary Payload URL. If the attempt to reach this URL fails, no further attempts will be made.

Selecting Event Triggers

While still on the New Webhook page, select all events you would like Mindful to send to the Payload URL. First, select a Mindful application (such as Callback) to view the available events for that application, then select the individual events you would like to receive.

example of selecting event triggers

Once your new webhook is fully configured, Save it before moving on. You can then Activate it when you're ready to start receiving events.