How to receive daily Call Detail reports via email

Mindful can be configured to automatically generate daily Call Detail reports for a selected range of Call Targets and reporting categories. Callback can email a link to a customized daily report each morning to any user.

These reports can help you to more fully analyze the performance of the Call Targets that matter most to you while allowing you to keep a record of how the data changes over time.image of the email settings page

Use the following steps to set up daily delivery of automated Call Detail reports:

Quick access: Your Username > Email Settings

  1. Select the Daily Call Report Emails checkbox.
  2. In the dropdown menu that appears, select an individual Call Target or an entire reporting category for which to receive reports. You can add as many as you would like, one at a time.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
  4. Beginning the next morning, check the email inbox associated with your Callback user account. You should begin to receive a link to a report via email each day.
  5. Click the link in your email to download the daily Call Detail report, in CSV format, for your selected Call Targets or reporting categories.

If you would like to add or remove specific Call Targets or reporting categories to your daily reports, you can come back to the Email Settings screen at any time to update the list.