How to address disconnect rescue alerts

Troubleshooting Scenario

I am seeing Disconnect Rescue alerts frequently. What does that mean, and what can I do to reduce the number of Disconnect Rescues occurring on my Call Targets?

The Disconnect Rescue feature in Mindful Callback is designed to preserve the customer experience if something occurs at the call center to prevent agents from pressing 1 to accept callbacks. Disconnect Rescues can occur due to business closures, agent DTMF issues, or any reason that would cause the call center to disconnect calls without providing an explanation to callers.

Even though Disconnect Rescue is undetectable to customers, it can still be a good idea to track down the cause of the issue if you find that it is occurring more often than usual.

How Can I Reduce the Number of Disconnect Rescues?

Disconnect Rescues are likely to happen on rare occasions, so don't worry if you cannot eliminate them entirely. However, you can take steps to reduce the frequency of these issues and alerts, depending on the factors causing the Disconnect Rescues to occur. Use the following decision tree or the troubleshooting steps below as a guideline to lower the number of Disconnect Rescues that occur.

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Determine the time-of-day patterns of your Disconnect Rescue alerts, if possible:
    • Are they concentrated at a particular time of day, such as early morning or near closing time?
    • Are they spread out evenly throughout the day?
  • If Disconnect Rescues are concentrated at a certain time of day:
    • Compare the business hours configured for your Mindful Callback Organization and Call Targets against the business hours configured in your call center systems. It may be possible that the call center system is disconnecting calls due to a mismatch in business hours.
  • If the alerts are spread throughout the day:
    • Consult with agents to determine whether they have issues with DTMF input.
      • Are they pressing 1 to accept calls and then not receiving the call afterward? If so, is the issue isolated to a single agent, a small group, or a larger group?
  • If agents are reporting issues with DTMF input:
    • Troubleshoot the DTMF issue with your telephony services provider and in your ACD environment, then monitor for changes in the frequency of Disconnect Rescue alerts after the issue is resolved.
  • If agents are not reporting DTMF issues:
    • Agents may not be pressing 1 to accept calls from Mindful Callback. In this case, additional training for agents on the processes and benefits of Mindful Callback interactions may help to change agent behavior.


When Does a Disconnect Rescue Happen?

When using the Customer First Callback Strategy, a Disconnect Rescue occurs in an abnormal scenario in which the agent or the call center disconnects a call prior to the customer and agent being connected.

What Would Happen Without Disconnect Rescue?

Without Disconnect Rescue, this scenario could result in customer calls being dropped without providing an explanation to the customer.

Why Not Just Make Another Attempt?

Retry attempts could be made, but any further attempts could experience the same result.

Why Do We Require Agents to Accept Callbacks at All?

Requiring agents to press 1 to accept a callback provides Mindful Callback with very precise data on answer times, which helps to calculate a more accurate and responsive ECBT.

What Happens if the Call Center is Closed?

When the customer is bridged into the high-priority holding queue at the call center, they can then hear any messages played in the queueing experience, such as an after-hours message.

Disconnect Rescue Call Flow

flow diagram illustrating the disconnect rescue call flow

Here is what happens in a normal scenario with no Disconnect Rescue (Customer First):

  1. Mindful Callback reconnects with the customer.
  2. Mindful Callback plays hold music to the customer while dialing the agent.
  3. Callback gets an agent on the line and plays an audio prompt instructing the agent to "press 1 to engage the caller."
  4. The agent presses 1 to accept the customer call.
  5. Callback registers an Agent Answer event and updates the relevant data for ECBT calculations.
  6. Callback bridges the two legs of the call (customer and agent), allowing the two parties to speak to each other.
  7. Callback continues to track the call until the parties disconnect, again updating ECBT calculations.

However, a Disconnect Rescue scenario experiences a different result:

  1. Mindful Callback reconnects with the customer.
  2. Mindful Callback plays hold music to the customer while dialing the agent.
  3. Callback gets an agent on the line and plays an audio prompt instructing the agent to "press 1 to engage the caller."
  4. The call center is closed or an agent cannot accept the call.
  5. The call center disconnects or terminates the call, but Mindful Callback still has an open connection with the customer.
  6. Callback calls into the call center again and bridges the customer directly into the high-priority holding queue. The customer is now fully in the high-priority queue, hearing the call center queueing experience, and Mindful Callback is no longer involved in the interaction.
  7. Callback registers a Disconnect Rescue event and triggers the associated alert.