Mindful platform February 2023 release notes

Released February 10, 2023

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features on the Mindful platform.
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Release highlights

  • We've added a small missing Spanish voice prompt.

    A small Spanish translation, the word "the", was missing from the Date/Time voice prompt section on the Media Set edit page. This has been added in and is now available for use.

  • A speech prompt has been updated to match text-to-speech (TTS) text.

    The speech prompt Offer Text Message or Schedule did not have matching spoken prompt and TTS text. This has been corrected so that both speak/display, "Please say communicate via text message or callback for a later time."

Fixed issues

General maintenance note

We continue to make incremental improvements to the user interface, voice infrastructure, and system security throughout Mindful Callback.