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Release date pending
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Release highlights
Some properties have been renamed in Call Target API endpoints for consistency.
In the responses of API endpoints that return Call Target configuration, property names within the dynamicDnisMapping array did not match the equivalent properties outside of the array. The following names have been updated within dynamicDnisMapping objects:
Labels and descriptions on all Insights dashboards have been enhanced.
We have added descriptions where they were previously missing, standardized the phrasing of descriptions, and updated several labels for dimensions and measures for consistency.
The "Data as of" metric has been moved on the Audit Log dashboard.
Previously, the "Data as of" metric was displayed near the top of the page in its own full-sized container. It will now be displayed at the bottom of the page in a smaller container. The text has been updated to "Data refreshed as of", and the container includes an option to refresh the data on the page.
Fixed issues
(MENG-1176) An issue causing Call Detail filters to reset unexpectedly has been resolved.
Call Detail filters can be combined in any way users desire, but changing some filters was causing other filters to reset to their default values. Now, all filters can be combined in an additive way.
(MENG-1154) Scheduler widgets now respect the Max Requested Callbacks setting.
Previously, it was possible to register callbacks via Scheduler widgets even when the maximum callback limit was exceeded. This was resolved for API requests in December 2024, and this release resolves the issue for pre-built Scheduler widgets.
(MENG-1213) An issue preventing existing Smart Rules from being updated has been resolved.
For existing Smart Rules, clicking the set dropdown menu did not populate a list of settings, instead showing a "Data not found" error. The menu will now populate as expected, allowing you to change the configurable setting affected by the rule.
(MENG-1124) The Connections entry in the left navigation menu will now load the Connections page reliably.
Previously, clicking the menu entry did not always load the Connections page, depending on which page a user was currently viewing.
(MENG-1185) Mindful APIs will now return all response properties with every response.
Previously, properties could be left out of API responses if, for example, the value was null or the property was not configured in the UI. This change will ensure a more consistent experience when processing Mindful API responses.
(MENG-1192) A few filters on reporting pages are now more responsive.
On the Callback Status, Callback Overview, and Call Detail pages, the input fields for the Call Target or Reporting Category filter and the Event filter did not respond to user input as expected. Users could type a value into the fields, but the attached dropdown menus did not filter their entries based on the user input.
Now, as a user types values into those fields, the list of selectable items in the respective dropdown menus will respond appropriately.
(MCB-3585) SIP header metadata will now be returned by the Retrieve Historical Data API endpoint for calls that were not completed.
Previously, if a call contained SIP header metadata and the outcome
property held a value of "Not Completed", the metadata would not be included in the response body.
(MENG-1211) An issue causing some webhook payloads to be improperly formatted in a specific scenario has been resolved.
In rare cases in which callback metadata values contained multi-byte Unicode code points, we did not properly calculate the length of the metadata, which could case characters to be omitted from the end of the webhook payload. Multi-byte Unicode code points are sometimes used for non-Latin scripts or certain special symbols.
This issue only affected the Callback Registration and Callback Finalization webhooks.
(MENG-1178) An issue causing the Alerts page to show a 500 error for some users has been resolved.
Setting the Items per page to a number greater than the total number of alerts generated a 500 error for some users, resulting in no alerts being shown.
(MENG-1188) DNIS mappings with phone number keys will now be removed if the phone number is deleted or reassigned from the associated Call Target.
Previously, deleting or reassigning a number on the Phone Numbers page would result in any related DNIS mappings remaining in place, even though the number was no longer available to the Call Target. Now, any affected mappings will be removed.
If you need to view the configuration of a mapping that has been removed, you can view the original creation (update) event in the Audit Log.
(MENG-1184) Error handling has been improved for two API endpoints.
For the Outcome Metrics by Interval and Offer Metrics by Interval API endpoints, submitting an invalid timestamp for the timeBegin
or timeEnd
parameters previously resulted in a 500 "internal server error". Now, the endpoints will return a more descriptive and appropriate 400 "invalid timestamp" error.