Mindful platform February 27th, 2025 release notes

Released February 27, 2024

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features on the Mindful platform.
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Release highlights

The new Agent Answer API endpoint is available!

The new endpoint allows you to programmatically generate an agent answer event rather than requiring agents to provide input when they are ready to take a call. In addition to triggering the transfer without agent input, you can store the agent and queue IDs as metadata on the call.

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

To learn more, see Mindful API v2 after release.

All pages in the Mindful UI will now be visible in the sidebar for Admins.

Previously, only pages which were enabled for an organization would be included in the sidebar menu. Now, Admin users will see all pages in the menu, regardless of whether the page is enabled for the organization or not. This includes the Webhooks page, Connections, and any others that are not enabled by default.

If you see a page in the sidebar that you do not recognize, you can find documentation about that page in the Medallia Documentation Portal. If you would like to activate a page for your organization, contact a Mindful team member.

Fixed issues

(MCB-3397) Warning message text has been clarified for some notifications on the Global Settings page.

Some warning messages still referred to the page as Organization. We have updated the affected text to say Global Settings.

(MENG-383) Smart Rules can once again be saved with "and" or "or" conditions.

Previously, selecting an "and" or "or" condition would disable the Save button, even after removing the condition. Now, a Smart Rule can be saved with any conditions.

(MENG-1273) We have updated a badge shown on Media Sets to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Previously, the "Default Audio" badge displayed when creating or editing Media Sets did not comply with accessibility standards. The updated style complies with standards set in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

(MINT-478) The Revert button for the System Alert Emails setting now functions as expected.

Previously, after selecting System Alert Emails on the Email Settings page, a Revert button would appear beside the setting, but clicking the button did not revert the change. Now, the button will undo the selection when clicked.

(MENG-1265) An issue causing Business Units to be ignored on the Callback Status page has been resolved.

Previously, users assigned to a Business Unit would see all Call Targets on the Callback Status page. Now, these users will only see Call Targets included in their Business Unit.

(MENG-1252) An issue causing unexpected metadata to be applied to Dynamic DNIS Mapping SIP headers has been resolved.

In some cases, a SIP header DNIS mapping would send an incorrect From value based on metadata items configured for the Call Target. Now, the From value will be taken from the Callback CID field on the DNIS mapping.

(MENG-1334) We have addressed a rare case in which API endpoints related to Call Targets would return an HTML-formatted response.

The affected endpoints will now return a JSON-formatted response in this case.

(MCB-2834) Applying the Default Spanish (North American) media set will no longer cause callbacks to fail.

We identified an issue with one audio file in the Default Spanish (North American) media set that caused back-end errors, resulting in a failure to launch callbacks. We have resolved the issue and added validation to prevent it from occurring in the future.

(MCB-3609) An issue causing API-generated Call Targets not to launch callbacks in a specific scenario has been resolved.

If a Call Target was created via API with DNIS mapping enabled but no mappings configured, callbacks would fail to launch for that Call Target. With this release, the API will return an error instead of creating the Call Target.

(MFD-1087) A duplicate metric on the Executive Summary page has been removed.

We have removed the "Pending" row from the "Not Reconnected" table on the Executive Summary page because that metric is already displayed beneath the table.

(CBA-401) Two issues affecting the agent experience with Mindful audio prompts have been resolved.

  • Previously, agents could hear an echo while hearing the "Agent please hold while customer called" prompt.

  • Agents could also hear the "Now connecting to caller" prompt overlapping the "Agent please hold while customer called" prompt.

Both issues were limited to Agent First callbacks.