Mindful platform January 31, 2024 release notes

Released January 31, 2024

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features on the Mindful platform.
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Fixed issues


An issue causing unexpected disconnections in a specific scenario has been resolved.

Previously, calls would be disconnected without playing the expected voice prompt (Unable to Offer Callbacks Now) in the following scenario:

  • All scheduling timeslots were full within the Number of Days Out to Schedule Voice Callbacks.
  • Scheduled Callback Caller Experience was set to Text.
  • A caller selected the scheduling option, but did not provide a number for an SMS-enabled device.

With this release, the outcome of the scenario will change:

  • Mindful will attempt to fall back to voice scheduling and continue the interaction if any scheduling timeslots are available.
  • Since no scheduling timeslots are available in this scenario, the scheduling option will not be presented.
  • The Unable to Offer Callbacks Now voice prompt will play and the call will be disconnected.


An issue causing blank exported reports in a specific scenario has been resolved.

Exported reports could be empty when a Reporting Category was applied to the export. The issue has been resolved in this hotfix, and Reporting Categories can now be used when exporting reports.