Mindful platform March 15, 2024 release notes

Released March 15, 2024

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features on the Mindful platform.
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Release highlights

The totalCurrentWaitlisted parameter will now be returned in the Retrieve Real-Time Stats v2 API response.

This parameter will indicate the number of calls on the virtual waitlist for a Call Target. It will be returned by the bulk endpoint (all Call Targets) and the specific endpoints for Call-Target IDs.

Fixed issues


An issue that could cause Mindful not to accept inbound calls in a specific scenario has been resolved.

This issue could occur when Mindful received a SIP INVITE without SDP headers for an inbound call. Rather than responding with a 200 OK as expected, Mindful would respond with a 488 INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION error. We have patched our underlying SIP messaging service to provide the expected response in this scenario.

MCT-90 & MCB-3578

An issue affecting load times and exports on the Call Detail page has been resolved.

In addition to slow load times, Call Detail exports could fail when filtered for a range greater than a few days. Both issues were related to call-state filtering, and both have now been resolved.


An issue affecting load times on the Callback Status page has been resolved.

We have updated the way we manage database queries for the Callback Status page, and response times should be back to normal with this release.


Alphabetical sorting will now be in effect at all times on the Callback Status page.

Previously, alphabetical sorting did not apply to the list of Call Targets when a Reporting Category filter was applied.


Total callbacks will now be consistent on the Callback Executive Summary and Call Detail pages.

Previously, an issue with processing callback records through our data infrastructure could cause the total count to differ on these pages. The total numbers should match in this release.


An error related to saving changes to Global Settings has been resolved.

Attempts to save changes to Global Settings had been failing, with errors only visible in the web browser console. An update in this release ensures that Global Settings can be updated as expected.


An issue causing invalid ECBT values in a rare scenario has been resolved.

In the rare case that Mindful calculated a negative estimated response time, the resulting ECBT would be inflated. We have updated the way we handle this scenario to ensure that a negative estimated response time does not impact ECBT.


Very long usernames will no longer cause formatting issues in the Mindful UI.

When a username contained 130+ characters, formatting issues could appear in the top navigation bar. Now, long usernames will be truncated with an ellipsis (...) in the top bar to prevent this issue.


We have updated the permissions available to the Manager and Admin roles.

(MCB-3550) An issue causing duplicate Call Detail records to be created in a specific scenario has been resolved.

When Callback Strategy was set to Agent First and a customer opted to reschedule a callback after reconnecting, duplicate records were created in the Call Detail report. With this release, duplicate records will be prevented in this scenario.

In the past, higher-level roles such as Manager and Admin did not automatically inherit the permissions of lower-level roles like Viewer. With this update, higher-level roles will include the permissions of their subordinate roles. This change ensures that Managers and Admins can access the data available to Viewers without the need to manually adjust permissions.


Date-range selectors are now more responsive to zooming in/out and resizing the browser window.

This change affects reporting pages and anywhere else a date picker is used. Previously, zooming in or resizing the browser window could cause formatting issues with date-range selectors. Now, these elements will be fully visible at different zoom levels and window sizes.


The Roles dropdown menu will no longer appear behind the Invite Users window.

Previously, when attempting to assign roles to a new user in the Invite Users modal window, the dropdown menu of roles appeared behind the window, which prevented roles from being assigned.