Mindful platform June 2024 release notes

Released June 20, 2024

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features on the Mindful platform.
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  • Subscribe to our status page for up-to-the-minute notifications on planned maintenance and reported incidents (the status page for Government users can be found here).

Release highlights

Mindful webhooks are now available!

Webhooks are automated notifications sent from Mindful when specific events occur, such as the registration, cancellation, or reconnection of callbacks. You can configure as many webhooks as needed and subscribe to these real-time alerts to allow your integrations to act upon important events.

image of the webhooks page

Two events are available with the initial release: callback registration and finalization. You can subscribe to any or all these events via the Mindful UI to receive event payloads with a content type of application/json at a URL of your choosing.example of selecting outcomes

Callback registration

The Callback Registration event is triggered when Mindful registers a new callback from any channel (voice, web, etc.). The event payload contains information related to the new callback, including its source, type, and customer phone number.

Callback finalization

The Callback Finalization event is triggered when a callback is finalized with any outcome. You can subscribe to any or all of the outcomes below:

  • Success
  • Failure
  • Canceled
  • Unavailable
  • Chose Hold
  • Chose Messaging
  • Text Scheduling
  • Abandoned
  • Not Completed
  • Unknown

Additional updates

Mindful auto-generated email delivery failures and successes can now be tracked by the Support team.

This enhancement will help our Support team to troubleshoot issues with the delivery of password-recovery emails and other automated email notifications.

Events related to Mindful webhooks will now be tracked in the Audit Log dashboard.

With the release of webhooks, you will be able to track creation, edit, and deletion events just like other configurable items.

A new keyboard shortcut is available for the Webhooks page.

You can easily navigate to the new Webhooks page with Alt+Shift+H.

We have made changes to pagination options and refresh timers on the Callback Status and Call Detail pages.

For more information, see Fixed Issue ENG-509 below.

A new interval selector is available for Insights time-series charts.

The new filter option will determine the interval used in line and bar charts such as the Call Volume Timeline.

Contact-number rate limiting for Scheduler API requests will now accommodate recently cancelled callbacks.

Previously, if a digital callback request was cancelled, then immediately requested again, the rate limiting safeguard would prevent the new callback from being registered. With this change, the new callback will be registered successfully in this scenario.

Fixed issues


Callback Double Check (CBDC) will now respond appropriately to cancelled callbacks.

Previously, if a customer cancelled a pending callback, then called back shortly afterward to request a new callback, CBDC would incorrectly advise the customer that their earlier callback was still pending. Starting with this release, CBDC will no longer come into play in this scenario.


Special characters of the French language will no longer affect text-message formatting.

Previously, when special characters used in the French language (such as é, è, or ç) were present in message text sent to customers, the resulting messages were formatted improperly.


Automatic refreshes of SIP sessions will no longer cause audio to drop.

Previously, when SIP sessions were refreshed (due to a Session-Expires timer, for example), the resulting SIP re-INVITE was not handled properly by Mindful, resulting in dropped audio. We've updated the way we handle this scenario to ensure consistent call quality.


An issue affecting the display of the Handoff Block List has been resolved.

Previously, if several thousand entries were included in an organization's block list, only a certain number of them would be visible on the page. We have updated the way that block-list entries are loaded from the database to ensure that all entries can be viewed.


We have made enhancements to the Callback Status and Call Detail pages to avoid timeouts when loading data for a large number of Call Targets.

When hundreds of Call Targets were configured for an organization, real-time reports could load very slowly, potentially resulting in browser timeout errors. We've updated the Callback Status and Call Detail reports as follows to mitigate this issue:

  • The automatic refresh interval is now 30 seconds for both reports.

  • Callback Status now separates Call Target statistics into pages, and you can select the number of results to view per page.

  • Call Detail now offers fewer options for the number of results per page (changed from a maximum of 10,000 to a maximum of 100)