Opt Out APIs


Enum of options available for granular control of what customer information is tracked.

public struct MXOOptInOptions : OptionSet, @unchecked Sendable {
	public init(rawValue: UInt)
	public static var interactionTracking: MXOOptInOptions { get }
	public static var keychainTidStorage: MXOOptInOptions { get }
	public static var cityCountryDetection: MXOOptInOptions { get }
interactionTrackingUse this option to track customer Interactions.
keychainTidStorageUse this option to securely store the customer's TID in the keychain.
cityCountryDetectionUse this option to track the customer's city and country using IPDetect, not the actual device location.
Note: For more information, see how to use MXO opt-in options when opting out or into tracking.


The configuration object for opting in and out of tracking.

open class MXOOptOutConfiguration : NSObject {
	open var optOut: Bool { get }
	open var optInOptions: MXOOptInOptions { get }
optOutBoolSet to true to opt out of tracking.
optInOptionsMXOOptInOptionsSet of options that have opt in enabled.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

let optOutConfiguration = MXOOptOutConfiguration { builder in
	builder.optOut = false
	builder.optInOptions = .interactionTracking
Note: For more information, see how to opt out or into tracking.