Automatic Interaction requests

Identify why automatic interaction requests may not be triggered for a View Controller.

Ensure you are calling super when overriding View Controller lifecycle methods. The SDK relies on the View Controller lifecycle methods being called to automatically capture Interaction events. Therefore it is required for the client app to call super, when lifecycle methods are overridden, to notify the OS of the method call.

How to identify when this is the issue

If the lifecycle methods are not configured correctly you may only see the interaction path being configured, for example:

[MedalliaMXO] Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK assigned interaction path AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController based on class name to the view controller <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7ffd0f811b10> 

In other cases you may only see the View Controller disappearing being logged, for example:

[MedalliaMXO] handleViewWillDisappear for : <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7ffd0f811b10> 

How to resolve this issue

Ensure you are calling super when overriding any of the methods outlined here.

Example of an automatic Interaction being triggered correctly:

[MedalliaMXO] handleViewWillAppear for : <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7fcb74634870> 
[MedalliaMXO] Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK assigned interaction path AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController based on class name to the view controller <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7fcb74634870> 
[MedalliaMXO] handleViewDidAppear for : <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7fcb74634870> 
[MedalliaMXO] The interaction /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController has a trackable navigation bar title [MedalliaMXO] Task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: has started [MedalliaMXO] Task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: URL request string:
[MedalliaMXO] The HTTP request for the task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 
---REQUEST------------------ BODY: {"uri":"ios://sdkSampleApp/AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController","device":{"locale":"en_US","osName":"IOS","devMfr":"Apple","appVer":"0.47.0","appName":"com.medallia.UICatalog","ipAddress":"detect","devType":"SMARTPHONE","devModel":"x86_64","osVer":"14.3"}}
[MedalliaMXO] The HTTP response for the task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController
[MedalliaMXO] View controller not mapped for interaction path /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController due to the Interaction response data object having no trackers, captures or optimizations 
[MedalliaMXO] Task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: has finished
[MedalliaMXO] View controller not mapped for interaction path /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController due to the Interaction response data object having no trackers, captures or optimizations