Track Customer Activity for Outbound Communications

Use the Outbound Activity API to track customer activity for outbound communications that are not generated by MXO.

The API lets you trigger Interaction Points in MXO for both known and new customers, using a customer key such as email address.

Can I pass in other parameters using the API?

Yes, you can. For example, you may want to pass in information about campaign codes. Just add those parameters to the URI.

How can I check that an Interaction Point is being triggered?

Use Monitoring to check that an Interaction Point is being triggered for a specific customer key.

Capture Email Opens or Views

To capture whether or not customers open a promotional email you send to them, add the tracking pixel to an HTML email inside an image, as follows:

<img src="<servername>/one/rt/track/<sk>/pixel?uri=<EncodedInteractionPointURI>"/>

Where the URI comprises:

Parameter Description
servername Name of your MXO server.
sk Site Key.
Encoded Interaction Point URI Encoded URI of the Interaction Point to trigger.

Interaction Point URI Format

The Interaction Point URI comprises the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Touchpoint Base URI Base URI of the outbound Touchpoint.
Interaction Point Path Path of the Interaction Point to trigger.
Attributes Any attributes that provide context for the communication, For example, campaign or product code.
Customer identifier The attribute to capture as a customer identifier. For example, email address.

For example:


How do I encode my Interaction Point URI?

Use the encoding functionality provided by your email management or campaign management tool. Your encoded URI should look something like the following example:


What should my final URI look like?

Append your Interaction Point URI to the Pixel Tracking API to form the final URI. The final URI should look something the following example:

<img src="

Capture Clicks on Redirect Links in Email

To capture whether or not customers click on links in a promotional email you send to them, create a tracking redirect URL and add that URL to your email, as follows:

<a href="<servername>/one/rt/track/<sk>/redirect?uri=<EncodedInteractionPoint
URI>#<UnEncodedLandingPageURL>">APPLY NOW</a>

Where the URI comprises:

Parameter Description
servername Name of your MXO server.
sk Site Key.
Encoded Interaction Point URI Encoded URI of the Interaction Point to trigger.
UnEncoded Landing Page URL of the page to which a user is redirected when they click on the redirect link.

Interaction Point URI Format

The Interaction Point URI comprises the following parameters:



Parameter Description
Touchpoint Base URI Base URI of the outbound Touchpoint.
Interaction Point Path Path of the Interaction Point to trigger.
Attributes Any attributes that provide context for the communication, For example, campaign or product code.
Customer identifier The attribute to capture as a customer identifier. For example, email address.

For example:


How do I encode my Interaction Point URI?

You must ensure you encode your Interaction Point UI using encoding functionality provided by your email management or campaign management tool. Your encoded Interaction Point URI should look something like the following example:


What should my final URI look like?

Append the Interaction Point URI and Redirect URL to the Redirect Tracking API to create the final URI. The final URI should look something like the following example:

<a href="
oeh%3A%2F%2Foutboundcomms%2Femail-click%3Fcampaign%3Dabc%26email%3Dperson%40">APPLY NOW</a>