Invite people to join your community

Adding members to your community.

You need Admin permission to perform this task. See Permissions and access levels for details.
Add users to a private Medallia Ideas community by either invite them to join it, or approving their requests to join it. For information about approving requests, see Review requests to join your community
  1. Go to Admin Setup > User Management > Invite Users.
    User Management > Invite users tab and its two options
  2. Enter the Email addresses of the users to invite.
    Either add one email address per line or add them on the same line, separated by commas.
  3. Choose User for the account type.
    Note: If you want all of the invited users to be administrators (not recommended), choose Admin instead. You can't invite people as both users and administrators at the same time.
  4. Optional: Select Notify users to send an email to each user informing them they have been invited.
    1. Add a personal Message to the email invites.
      Notify user option selected, and an empty Message field
  5. Optional: Identify any groups to add the users to.
    All users in this batch will be added to the same selected groups.
    Add to these groups option showing Executive Committee and Moderators options available
  6. Click Invite users.
A green box appears to confirm your invitations have been sent.