Tags report

In this report you can see how you perform as an organization across various tags. Filter to find what tags relate to different specifications and see how performance has improved or declined over time.

Reports Filters

The filters at the top of the page are searching throughout all of the survey and ticket data to populate information in the chart. In other words, they don't act necessarily like limited filters, but instead more informational. Date range is as you'd expect it. However channel, tags and teams work differently.

image of report filters

Since this report is specifically designed to look at each specific tag and its performance, filtering by "Tag" will pull up the instances in which the tags filtered were used. However, it will still list any tag that was also included alongside of it.

As you can see below, we've filtered for "account_management" so it will show every tag that has been tagged together with account_management.

example of filtering by tag


To filter even further, or to exclude tags from the list - you can export the report and filter in your spreadsheet software. You can continue to manipulate this data from there as well.