Requests API - troubleshooting and maintenance

Monitor requests and errors to catch issues early.

You can monitor all of the Agent Connect requests, and any errors encountered, via the Agent Connect API status pages.

To reach this page, Navigate to Agent Connect > Gear icon in top right > Integrations > API Status Page

Once received by the Agent Connect API, two types of requests will be logged here.

  • All errors in request processing from either the test or production API keys will show on the Invalid Requests tab

  • All the requests made from the test API keys will show on the Test Requests tab

image of the invalid requests page

The below table will help you understand the different errors you may see on this page.

Employee profile not completeThe employee was found, but does not have a complete and approved profile in Agent Connect.
Deactivated employeeThis employee was found, but has been deactivated and would need to be reactivated in order to send Connect requests.
Employee not foundThis employee could not be found. The employee's email address will be displayed in the adjacent column.
Invalid customerThere was an issue with the format of the name or email that was provided.
Channel not enabled for companyThis channel has not been enabled in Agent Connect. This can be enabled in the Company Info page. You will also want to confirm that the Consumer Experience for that newly enabled channel reflect your desired copy.
Channel is in manual modeThis error will only show if you are using a production API key but have not switched that channel from manual to integrated mode.
Brand signifier not providedYour company has multiple brands but the API call did not specify a brand label
Invalid/inactive brand signifier

This error will show in one of two instances:

1) If the brand label in your API call does not match any of the brands found in your Company settings.

2) The brand was found, but has not been activated

Language not specifiedYour company is set up with multiple active languages but the API call did not specify a language.
Language not available/active

This error will show in one of two instances:

1) The language specified in the API call does not match any of the languages set up for your company

2) The language was found, but has not been activated