Spring 2024

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

image of the create custom role page

What's New?

Agent Connect is bringing more control to your organization than ever before regarding User Roles, Permissions, and Data Visibility! Not only will you be able to edit the specific Permissions enabled for each of the three existing Roles you're already familiar with (Team Member, Team Leader, and Admin), as well as customization for Data Visibility in each distinct Product Area (Feedback, QA, Performance Management & Coaching, and more!), but we're also introducing the ability to create Custom Roles!

It's incredibly important to us that Agent Connect is still simple and streamlined to use, both for Admins creating & managing Roles and also for the users logging into and using Agent Connect to engage their teams and improve performance day in and day out, so we're ecstatic to introduce a Roles Based Access Control framework that is powerful and customizable while also ensuring that rollout of the new framework is as seamless as possible and Role creation & management tasks are extremely user-friendly!​

Why It Matters

With Roles Based Access Control (RBAC), you can now tailor your team's access to the platform to support their varied workflows and functions within your organization. Managing data visibility and permissions is now easier than ever with customized roles that can be leveraged to ensure your front line, vendor partners, and operations managers can all participate in receiving and managing feedback and performance.

How do I use it?

Our new Manage Team page makes it easier than ever to understand which users within your organization are within each role, and to review and customize the permissions associated with each role. The 'Roles' tab allows for the customization of existing roles and creation of custom roles with their own permissions and applied data scope. Users' roles will be displayed in your Users list with the ability to quickly view and update roles individually or in bulk. We highly recommend reading the Roles, and you can read more in Manage and create roles. Further details are outlined in Data scope and permissions.

Enhanced User Management UI

image of the users page

What's New?

Our new Manage Team page has been updated to add Role settings introduced with RBAC while including several quality of life improvements to simplify the user management process. Enhanced search and filtering and user profile slide outs allow for quick user updates without having to leave the page or lose your applied filters. ​

Why It Matters

Our Manage Team page has been redesigned to handle new RBAC-related tasks and introduces new search and filter functionality as well as new slideouts and quick actions to make managing users in-app easier than ever. ​

How do I use it?

Use the new Manage Team page to access User, Role, and Group settings for your organization. Leverage the new filtering options to find users by role, team, or group and use the slide out shortcut by clicking on the user row to quickly view and edit their user profile and settings.

To learn more about Managing Users, see Teams.

Enhanced Reviewee & Eligibility Automation for QA Assignments

example of selecting reviewees and reviewers for an assignment

What's New?

Our enhanced reviewee & eligibility automation for QA Assignments provides greater flexibility in creating, updating, and managing QA Assignments. Validation checks of QA Assignment eligibility based on role permissions are also being introduced to support configurable permissions for QA included in Role Based Access Control.

Updates to QA Assignments Include

  • New UI for Participant selection in Assignments for easier selection of Reviewees and Reviewers.

  • Ability to select QA Reviewees by Groups, Team or Individual Employees.

  • New setting to specify Reviewee eligibility by Role

  • New option to Edit Participants within an active QA Assignment

  • New logic for automatic updates of Assignment participants (adding and removing Reviewees or Reviewers) based on user updates such as Group or Team membership or changes to permissions or role

Why It Matters

Increased flexibility in creating and editing QA Assignments alongside automated eligibility logic will make it easier than ever to ensure that your Assignments are aligned with your ever evolving organization across Groups, Teams and Individuals. Assignments no longer need to be recreated as your teams change, reducing the time spent updating and managing your QA Assignments. ​

How do I use it?

The new QA Assignment reviewee selection enhancements and automatic eligibility updates are available by default for all Agent Connect customers who utilize Agent Connect QA. All active Assignments have been updated with the new selection criteria options and Admins can edit participants and review summaries of participant changes in Assignments through the updated Assignment Details page.

To learn more about the creating and managing QA Assignments following our recent enhancements, see Assignments.

Enhanced Coaching Reporting

image of the one on one page

What's New

A dedicated page for 1:1 Coaching Reporting accessed right from the navbar gives your coaches a place to clearly view their coaching history while planning for their next sessions. Easily understand 1:1 Coaching Session history at-a-glance, track Action Items, through supporting slide outs, and begin new Coaching Sessions with a single click!​

Why It Matters

Coaching in Agent Connect just got easier! In order to effectively build coaching sessions and prioritize coaching team members who need it, coaches have requested the ability to understand the coaching history for their teams. We built the 1:1 Coaching Reporting page in order to give visibility into when team members have been coached, and what Action items are outstanding from previous sessions. This helps coaches dedicate their time and effort to the areas of greatest impact for the team and organization.​

How do I use it?

The 1:1 Coaching Reporting page is available by clicking '1:1s' from the navigation bar at the top of the page. As a user with the permission to 'Coach 1:1s', you will see all of the 'Recently Coached' members of your team, and a full list of team members below. Using the information in 1:1 Coaching Reporting, coaches should be ready to begin planning new sessions for targeted individuals. They can continue existing drafts or begin new sessions from the 'My Team list'. They can also open the 'Sessions' slide-out panel by clicking on the name or photo of a team member who has recently been coached.

Learn more in 1:1 coaching reporting.

Performance Dashboard Enhancements

image of the performance dashboardexample tags

What's New?

We've thoughtfully designed new visualizations for each question type on an Agent Connect survey, and streamlined the experience on the Performance page to show progress over time more clearly. Additionally, customer-provided Areas of Excellence and Improvement are visible on the Performance page for the first time! We're introducing brand new Performance Subscriptions, allowing users to sign up & schedule delivery of a digest email with insight into Company, Team, or Employee performance with quick access to learn more on your Performance Dashboard.

Why It Matters

Your data tells a story. The Performance Dashboard empowers you to get to the heart of that story as efficiently as possible. Email digests will provide your team with summaries of progress towards metrics goals, and bring your team into the platform for further investigation. With a single click on the Dashboard, each user can drill in to key metrics with unique data visualizations for each Metric type. Easily save what you find to an upcoming 1:1 Coaching session to spark coaching conversations and inform growth and development.

How do I use it?

Performance dashboard enhancements are automatically enabled and available from the Performance page in the top navigation bar. Select the 'Subscribe' icon on the right side of the page to schedule the automatic delivery of a company digest that includes summaries of key metrics and allows you to configure your digest preferences. Additionally, you can now see Areas of Excellence and Improvement in aggregate on the Performance Dashboard. By hovering over an Area, you will see how many times it was selected in the given period, and can view full responses from surveys in which the Area was also provided.

To learn more, see Agent Performance Management.

Leaderboards Redesigned

example leaderboard

What's New?

Our Leaderboards have a new look! We've introduced a new design to our Leaderboards to highlight top performers and provide real time updates as new positive reviews are received. Our new look modernizes Leaderboards to inspire healthy competition and encourages your teams to cheer each other on! ​

Why It Matters

We've designed our Leaderboards in such a way that they render perfectly across TVs and monitors. This makes them ideal to display on screens around your office or contact center. The Leaderboards update on a recurring basis, making them a great tool to foster friendly competition across your front-line team. ​

How do I use it?

The new Leaderboards are automatically available from the Leaderboards tab in the top navigation bar. Choose the settings for your Leaderboard using the Settings icon in the top left corner to determine the timeframe leveraged, the Teams or Groups who should be included, and the interval type used to calculate your Leaderboard.

Learn more in Leaderboard.

Updated Survey Retaking Logic

example of updated retaking logicexample of updated retaking logic

What's New?

We've introduced a new setting that allows you flexibility on how long we should wait after a survey has been started to mark the survey as 'Finished' to capture partial responses. Customers will have the ability to return to complete the survey within the designated time frame after starting the survey before we consider the survey 'Finished' and lock submitted survey responses. ​

Why It Matters

You can now determine the timing on your surveys being marked as 'Finished' once surveys have been started. We capture the submission of partially completed surveys surveys will be locked from re-taking once the survey reaches the threshold to be moved to 'Finished' or the customer has selected 'Submit' on the last survey question. Customers will continue to have a default 7 day period in which to start and submit the survey before their survey invitation expires. ​

How do I use it?

The Survey Marked as Finished Setting is available to users with access to the Company Info Settings. The default for this setting has been set at 1 hour but can be shortened or extended based on your preferences. We recommend giving customers at least 1 hour to complete the survey but it is important to note that we will not submit survey responses to external integrated sources (such as Slack/Teams notifications, Data Return into integrated CRMs) until the survey is marked as 'Finished'.

Learn more in Survey completion, retaking and expiration.

Bulk User Creation Updated to Include Group Assignments

Our Bulk User Creation file upload process has been updated to include Group Assignment. You now have the option to include the Group Name in the new Group Assignment column to assign a Group during the account creation process. Group Assignment is an optional field and will not be required during account creation. If you'd like to learn more, see Custom groups.