Assigning Customer Activity to the Correct Channel

In a typical environment, it's not unusual to have both web and mobile web traffic pointing to the same website on the same domain. This may result in all customer activity being assigned to a single channel in MXO . To ensure that customer activity is assigned to the correct channel, you can separate traffic on to two different channels, by customizing the MXO Tag.

When deciding where to redirect traffic, the MXO tag looks at the user agent assigned to a device and redirects traffic based on the device information. This provides the basis for redirecting information about customer activity into their respective channels, for example, web site, mobile web or a webview from a mobile app. Enabling the separation of web traffic into it's respective channels is a 4-step process.

  1. Identify the correct user agent assigned to each device that may return web traffic. Ensure you include any relevant app user agents.
  2. Customize the MXO Tag to allow MXO to differentiate between the various types of web traffic.
  3. Set up a Touchpoint for each type of user agent.
  4. Set up Interactions for each Touchpoint to capture customer activity and data.

Step 1 - Identify the correct user agent for each device type

Before making any customizations to the MXO Tag, you need to identify the correct user agents for any devices from which you want to redirect traffic.

Step 2 - Customize the MXO Tag

Customize the MXO Tag to differentiate between the various types of web traffic you expect to encounter.

Example Code

if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile")>-1){ //send to a Mobile touchpoint if the string "Mobile" appears in the user agent defaults.interaction = "mobileweb://" + defaults.interaction; } else if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("customUserAgent")>-1){ //send to another touchpoint if the string "customUserAgent" appears in the user agent for example, an app. defaults.interaction = "customApp://appnamehere + defaults.interaction; 

In the example, if the user agent includes the string Mobile or customUserAgent, MXO redirects the traffic to the mobileweb:// or customApp://appnamehere Touchpoints, respectively.

Note: By default, the MXO points to the default domain on which the Touchpoint is set up.

Step 3 - Set up a Touchpoint for each user agent type

To provide MXO with the correct Touchpoint to which to attribute web traffic, set up a separate Touchpoint for each user agent type. The Base URI for each Touchpoint is the string provided for the defaults.interaction parameter in the customized MXO Tag code.

For example, the Base URI for the mobile Touchpoint in our example is mobileweb://

Example Touchpoint Configuration

Mobile - Web Traffic TP

Step 4 - Set up Interaction Points for each Touchpoint to capture customer activity and data

After setting up the relevant Touchpoints, create the Interaction Points required to capture customer data and activity.

When creating Interaction Points, be aware that you must also create an associated Activity Capture, Attribute Capture or Optimization Point for each one, to enable MXO to trigger these interactions.

This is to reduce the number of unnecessary interaction requests sent to MXO , automatically, by the SDK.

Correctly configured Interaction Points are added to the Interaction Map.

If you are duplicating the configuration for an existing Touchpoint or you have a large number of Interactions to configure, please contact Customer Support.