Test your iOS App Configuration
Use the steps in this exercise to test that your iOS app is successfully sending data to MXO , by monitoring the current TID.
Step 1 - Find the current TID assigned to your app
- On your iOS device, open your app. You'll see the MXO
Poker chip on-screen.
- Tap the Poker chip to view the Login screen.
- Log in using your MXO username and password.
- Tap the Poker chip to enter Preview mode.The Poker chip turns green when in Preview mode.
- Tap the Poker chip again to view the current TID.
- You can either:
- Tap the TID to generate and share a monitor link for that TID.
- Make a note of the TID and enter those details, manually, on the Monitor page.
What if I am unable to locate the current TID?
If you are unable to find the current TID, follow these troubleshooting steps:
- Check that the SDK is using the correct configuration parameters. Ensure the details provided for the following match the details in MXO
- Site Key
- Base Touchpoint URI
- API Key
- Shared Secret
- User ID
- Host name
- Check that you have Interaction Points or a wildcard interaction created on your Touchpoint. If there are no mapped Interaction Points, MXO will not return a TID unless a matching request is sent out. This may happen if you do not have Interaction Points or a wildcard interaction on your Touchpoint, and you launch Preview mode without first going into Edit mode.
- Try refreshing Preview mode or navigating between screens to reload Interaction Points and send a new interaction request to MXO . The SDK has a timeout of 5 seconds for each interaction request sent to ONE.
Step 2 - Monitor the TID
Monitor the TID using the generated link
If your device is near to an OS X computer, you can use AirDrop to open the generated URL directly on that computer.
Alternatively, you can share the generated URL using one of the available sharing apps.
Monitor the TID manually
If you are unable to share the generated link, you can enter the TID details, manually, on the Monitor page.
- In MXO , choose Test & Publish.
- Select Monitor.
- In the Summary panel, click Configure monitor options.
- Click Other.
- Select TID and enter the TID details.
- Click Monitor.
Step 3 - Create events and data within your app
- On your device, ensure you are still in Preview mode.
- Tap the Poker chip and select In the works as the Snapshot to monitor.
- Navigate inside the app to start creating events to send to MXO .
Step 4 - Check events and data are being displayed in Monitor
Return to the Monitor page in MXO and check that the events you are creating by navigating around your app are being displayed, as expected.