Validate your iOS App Configuration

In addition to testing your iOS app with MXO , you can also validate whether or not your configuration is correct, in User Mode, using customer key capture.

For more details about initializing the SDK in User Mode, see the Integrating the iOS SDK for MXO in your App section in the Mobile integration documentation.

Step 1 - Configure Customer Key capture

Configure MXO to capture a Customer Key that you can monitor.

Important: Make sure you publish your configuration before proceeding to Step 2.

Step 2 - Capture the Customer Key

Open your app in User Mode and enter a Customer Key in the location of the Attribute Capture point you configured in Step 1.

Step 3 - Monitor the captured Customer Key for activity

  1. In MXO , choose Test & Publish.
  2. Select Monitor.
  3. In the Summary panel, click Configure monitor options.Monitoring - configure
  4. Choose Other and enter details of the Customer Key you provided in Step 2.Mobile - validate config user mode
  5. Click Monitor. MXO displays any previously tracked activity in the Events panel. As you perform new activity in your mobile app, MXO also displays that activity in the Events panel.