What are Attributes?

Attributes are used by MXO to store data during customer interactions with your brand.This data can come from elements like page values, inputs, URL parameters, and cookie values. These attributes, stored as Customer or Activity Attributes, support orchestration and journey analytics.

Customer Attributes
Individual data elements associated with a specific customer, e.g., name, address, contact information, or preferences. Stored in MXO as part of the customer record and may also be defined as Key Attributes, used to identify and link a customer across multiple Touchpoints.
Activity Attributes
Individual data elements associated with a specific customer event or activity, e.g., a size or color associated with products that a customer is researching on a retail website. Stored in MXO as part of the relevant event or activity record, providing historical event data to support data aggregation and detailed decisioning for orchestration and journey analytics.

MXO includes predefined Customer and Activity Attributes with each new Space. Additionally, custom Attributes can be defined to tailor data capture to your engagement strategy.