Generic chat notifications

Feedback survey responses trigger notifications in Genesys Cloud.

The integration of Mindful Feedback with Genesys Cloud includes the ability to trigger chat notifications based on survey interactions in real-time. Chat notifications can be pushed to the Genesys Cloud user interface any time a custom trigger is activated on a Feedback survey, by using Genesys' Webhook Notification URL.

Follow the steps below to configure generic chat notifications in Genesys Cloud.

  1. Open the Integrations page in Genesys Cloud.

  2. Click the Add Integration button.

  3. Search for "Generic Chat Notifications", then click Install on the appropriate tile.

    image of the generic chat notifications integration
  4. On the Details tab of the integration, copy the Webhook Notification URL for later use.

    example of copying the webhook notification link
  5. On the Mappings tab, click Add New Mapping.

  6. Configure a new mapping as shown below:

    example mapping
    • Name — Enter a descriptive name for the mapping.

    • Chat Targets — Select the chat that will be targeted for notifications.

    • Filters — Create a single filter. Select "Meta-Data" as the Property, then assign a value that you will send to Genesys via the Webhook Notifications URL when a condition is met in a Feedback survey interaction.

      In our example, we configured "Meta-Data Contains supervisor-alert". The value supervisor-alert would then be conditionally assigned to the metadata value in a Post to URL action in Feedback.

  7. Create a custom trigger and and Post to URL event in Feedback surveys anywhere that you would like to check conditions to trigger chat notifications in Genesys.

    In our example, we want to trigger notifications when the response to a specific question is less than or equal to 3, so we will configure the trigger accordingly.

    example trigger and event

    Regardless of the custom trigger conditions, attach a Post to URL event configured as follows:

    • HTTP Method — Select "POST".

    • URL — Paste the Webhook Notification URL from the Genesys Cloud integration.

    • Authentication Method — Select "None".

    • Body — Paste the following into the body, replacing the value of <previously chosen meta-data> with the value you assigned to the integration mapping filter in Genesys Cloud:

      {"message":"A customer has provided some negative feedback that should be reviewed
      as soon as possible!\n\nNPS: %response_1% out of 10\n\nCSAT: %response_2% out of
      7\n\nResolution: [%response_3%==1??Yes|No]\n\nFeedback: %response_4%\n\nView
      details\n\n In Mindful Feedback:%details_link_uuid% \n\n In Genesys:"
      ,"metadata":"<previously chosen meta-data>"}
  8. Test the notification by responding to a survey interaction in a way that would trigger the required condition. You should see a notification containing the text you entered in the body of the Post to URL action.

    example chat notification