Conversation variables

Survey mappings in Mindful Feedback use conversation variables in Genesys Cloud in several ways. Conversation variables are used in survey mappings to set conditions for creating new survey interactions with appropriate attributes.

To learn more about using conversation variables, see Adding or Updating Survey Interactions.

To learn more about Genesys Cloud conversation objects, see the Conversation Polling Introduction article.

In this article, you can find definitions of pre-defined conversation variables and a few example variables within a Genesys Cloud conversation object.

Sample Conversation Variables

The following excerpt shows a sample of the Customer participant properties in a Genesys Cloud conversation object.

    "id": "ff89636b-840a-4a18-b571-08af4afd4736",
    "startTime": "2020-04-10T07:18:50.744Z",
    "endTime": "2020-04-10T07:19:56.664Z",
    "address": "tel:+13172794452",
    "participants": [
            "id": "9e080162-1c8c-47c3-8411-ae6b8b9521b2",
            "startTime": "2020-04-10T07:18:50.744Z",
            "endTime": "2020-04-10T07:19:49.785Z",
            "connectedTime": "2020-04-10T07:18:50.816Z",
            "externalContactId": "ed0c5d4e-3f5d-4dd9-8060-28454d51c385",
            "queueId": "5b5c6ffb-a4c0-49b9-b4ed-6d5da7db757b",
            "queueName": "Acme Service",
            "purpose": "customer",
            "participantType": "External",
            "ani": "tel:+61404873642",
            "attributes": {
                "SurveyType": "websms",
                "ProductPurchased": "Widget101",
                "CustomerName": "Alasdair"

There is a lot of information about the Genesys Cloud conversation (a phone call in this example) shown in this data structure. Mindful Feedback pulls this object apart and creates conversation variables that can be assessed in the survey mapping conditions.

You will see all of the derived conversation variables available in the dropdown menu that appears when using a conversation variable (Settings > Customer Settings > Integrations > Genesys Cloud > Configure Genesys Cloud > Configure Polling tab).

The following example shows just a few of the available conversation variables. These correspond either directly to an attribute of the conversation object (startTime, id, queueId, etc.) or they are derived from it (agentID, timeToAnswer, etc.).

Screen capture of sample conversation variables

Pre-Defined Conversation Variables in Genesys Cloud

The table below details the pre-defined conversation variables in Genesys Cloud:

idConversation ID• The Genesys Cloud conversation ID• This is an important conversation attribute that is almost always associated with surveys.• Normally assigned to the External Reference (external_ref) suryey interaction attribute
startTimeStart TimeThe time at which the Genesys Cloud conversation began (when the customer call arrived at the contact center)
endTimeEnd TimeThe time at which the Genesys Cloud conversation ended (when the customer left the conversation and the agent marked it as "Done")
durationConversation duration in secondsThe number of seconds between the Start Time and End Time
queueIdInitial Queue IDThe Genesys Cloud queue ID for the first queue the customer entered during the conversation
queueNameInitial Queue NameThe Genesys Cloud queue name for the first queue the customer entered during the conversation
lastQueueIdFinal Queue IDThe Genesys Cloud queue ID for the last queue the customer entered during the conversation
lastQueueNameFinal Queue NameThe Genesys Cloud queue name for the last queue the customer entered during the conversation
callerNumberCaller NumberThe telephone number of the caller (taken from the ani attribute)
addressCaller AddressThe telephone number or email address (depending on the type of conversation) taken from the address attribute
firstAgentIDSDX Agent ID of first agent• The Mindful Feedback Agent ID corresponding to the first agent that handled the conversation• Mindful Feedback can populate this variable as long as a user exists in the system with the same email address as the agent that handled the conversation in Genesys Cloud.
firstAgentEmailEmail of first agentThe Genesys Cloud email address of the agent that first handled the conversation
agentIDSDX Agent ID of last agent• The Mindful Feedback Agent ID corresponding to the last agent that handled the conversation• See firstAgentID for more information.
agentEmailEmail of last agentThe Genesys Cloud email address of the agent that handled the conversation last
connectedTimeTime at which the call was answeredThe timestamp corresponding to the moment the conversation was answered by an agent
timeToAnswerTime spent waiting on the first queueThe number of seconds between the time the conversation entered a queue and the time the agent connected
agentInteractTimeInteract time of the last agentThe number of seconds that the last agent was involved in the conversation
firstAgentInteractTimeInteract time of the first agentThe number of seconds that the first agent was involved in the conversation
handleTimeTotal agent interact + wrapup timeThe number of seconds that the agent was involved in the conversation, including time spent in wrap-up
contactIDExternal Contact Genesys Cloud IDThe Contact ID of the Genesys Cloud External Contact, if present
contactWorkNumberExternal Contact Work NumberThe Contact Work Number attribute of the Genesys Cloud External Contact, if present
contactCellNumberExternal Contact Mobile NumberThe Contact Cell Number attribute of the External Contact, if present
contactWorkEmailExternal Contact Work EmailThe Contact Work Email attribute of the External Contact, if present
contactPersonalEmailExternal Contact Personal EmailThe Contact Personal Email attribute of the External Contact, if present
contactFirstNameExternal Contact First NameThe Contact First Name attribute of the External Contact, if present
contactLastNameExternal Contact Last NameThe Contact Last Name attribute of the External Contact, if present
wrapupCodeWrapup Code (Genesys Cloud ID)The Genesys Cloud ID for the wrap-up code that was selected by the agent at the end of the conversation
wrapupNameWrapup Code (Human Readable)The human-readable wrap-up name for the wrap-up code that was selected by the agent at the end of the call
transferredCaller was transferredIndicates whether the conversation was transferred at least once (value of 1) or not (value of 0).
transferCountNumber of transfersIndicates the number of times the conversation was transferred
agentRepliedAgent replied• Indicates whether an agent replied to the conversation (value of 1) or not• This is useful when evaluating an email conversation to confirm that the agent sent a response to the customer
disconnectReasonDisconnect ReasonThe Genesys Cloud attribute for the reason the conversation was disconnected
agentDepartmentAgent DepartmentDepartment of the agent based on the associated organizational chart in Genesys Cloud
agentLocationAgent LocationFirst listed Location of the agent based on Genesys Cloud data
agentManagerNameAgent Manager NameName of the agent's manager based on the associated organizational chart in Genesys Cloud
agentManagerEmailAgent Manager EmailEmail of the agent's manager based on the associated organizational chart in Genesys Cloud
agentHireDateAgent Hire DateDate the agent was hired (yyyy-mm-dd)
agentDaysHiredAgent Days HiredNumber of days since the agent was hired
agentTenureTenure group of the agentAn attribute that groups agents into discrete groups based on the agentDaysHired variable
timeOnHoldTime spent on holdTotal time the caller was on hold during an agent interaction
holdCountNumber of times on holdNumber of times the caller was placed on hold
genesysCloudConversationLinkLink to conversation viewWeb link to the Genesys Cloud conversation view
contactChannelContact channelChannel used to contact the center (Chat, Voice, Email)
principalAgentIDAgent ID of the principal agentAgent ID of the agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentEmailEmail of the principal agentEmail of the agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentDepartmentDepartment of the principal agentDepartment of agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentLocationLocation of the principal agentLocation of agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentManagerNameManager of the principal agentManager's name of agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentManagerEmailEmail of the principal agent's managerManager's email of agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentHireDateHire date of the principal agent Hire date of agent with the longest interact time
principalAgentDaysHiredLength of principal agent's employmentNumber of days the agent with the longest interact time has been employed
principalAgentTenureTenure of principal agentTenure group of the agent with the longest interact time (for example, 91 days - 180 days)
Note: Custom attributes -

You are not limited to using the pre-defined conversation variables outlined in this article. Any value from the attributes property of the conversation object for either the Customer, Agent or IVR participant can be referenced simply by using its name. For example:

"attributes": {
                "SurveyType": "websms",
                "ProductPurchased": "Widget101",
                "CustomerName": "Alasdair"

In this example, to reference the CustomerName attribute, you can type it into the Conversation attribute field in Mindful Feedback (Settings > Customer Settings > Integrations > Genesys Cloud > Configure Genesys Cloud > Configure Polling tab).

Screen capture of Match Conversations with Existing Survey Interactions field

If the attribute is associated with the Agent participant, preface the attribute name with "agent" (for example, agent.CustomerName)