Adding or updating survey interactions (Genesys Cloud)

Mindful Feedback can automatically create new survey interactions based on activity detected in Genesys Cloud. This can make agent workflows more efficient while ensuring that only the intended conversations result in customer surveys.

When polling is enabled, Mindful Feedback will request conversation history from Genesys Cloud approximately every minute and take action based on the survey mappings you have configured.

Note: This article assumes that you are familiar with Genesys Cloud conversation variables. To learn more about Genesys cloud conversation objects and variables, see the Conversation Polling Introduction.


This article describes the configuration required to automate the creation of survey interactions:

  • Queue filters
  • Survey mappings
  • Conversation and survey matching
  • (Optional) Polling via API

You can find all the required settings on the Configure Genesys Cloud page (Settings > Customer Settings > Integrations > Genesys Cloud > Configure Genesys Cloud > Configure Polling tab).

Screen capture of Genesys Cloud Configure Polling tab with important fields highlighted

Queue Filters

Queue Filters determine which Genesys Cloud conversations Mindful Feedback will request in each polling cycle. Use the following steps to configure Queue Filters:

Screen capture of Queue Filters page
  1. Attribute: Select queueId.
  2. Operator: Select Matches.
  3. Value: Click within this field to select one of the available Genesys Cloud queues.

You can leave this section blank to request all conversations from all queues. However, for larger contact centers, we recommend using the Queue Filters to limit conversation polling to only those queues that should be considered for surveys.

Survey Mappings

A survey mapping consists of two parts. One is a set of conditions and the other is the set of parameters used to define the properties of the new survey interaction. Each condition and survey parameter can use either a constant value or a Genesys Cloud conversation variable.

Survey Mappings are evaluated one at a time in the order they are listed. When a mapping condition is met, a new survey interaction is scheduled using the survey parameters configured for the mapping.


In the Conditions section for this example, we have set three conditions:

Screen capture of Conditions page

  • interactTime > 60
  • wrapupName != Wrong Number
  • queueId = <queue id>

Each of these conditions checks the conversation attributes against constant values. If these conditions are all evaluated as true, then a new survey interaction will be created.

Survey Parameters

The Survey Parameters section maps specified values to each of the survey attributes. Values can be assigned to each attribute using either a conversation variable or a constant value.

In the following example, the Survey Method attribute is set to a constant value of "Web via SMS", which is the same as setting the survey_type to "websms". The Phone Number attribute is set to the value contained in the conversation variable callerNumber. There are three custom survey attributes that are set based on conversation attributes, as well.

Screen capture of Survey Parameters page


The dropdown menu that appears when using a conversation variable contains a list of known conversation attributes derived from properties of the conversation. You can type the name of an attribute for anything that is not listed in the menu.

Conversation and Survey Matching (Updating Surveys)

You can configure a matching rule near the bottom of the Configure Polling tab. You can use a matching rule to change the behavior of the survey mapping.

Use the following steps to configure matching rules.

  1. Under Match conversations with existing survey interactions, select one of the available survey matching modes in the first dropdown menu:
    • Disabled (default): The mapping will create a new survey interaction when the configured conditions are met.
    • Match or Add: When the configured conditions are met, Mindful Feedback will first check to see if there is an existing survey interaction with a property (right side) that matches a property of the conversation being evaluated (left side). If a match is found, the survey parameters will be used to update the existing survey interaction rather than creating a new one. If the conditions match and there is no matching survey interaction, then a new interaction will be created.
    • Match Only: An existing survey interaction will be updated if a match is found. New survey interactions will not be created in this mode.
  2. Click within the Conversation attribute field to select a pre-defined Genesys Cloud conversation object, or type an attribute name directly into the field
  3. Click within the Existing conversation attribute field and select one of the options provided.


The following examples show how each matching mode might be used:

Disabled: Survey interactions will be created whenever the configured conditions are met.

Screen capture of Match Conversations with Existing Survey Interactions set to disabled

Match or Add: A match will be made when the conversation attribute id matches an existing survey's external_ref value.

Screen capture of Match Conversations with Existing Survey Interactions set to Match or Add

Match Only: The system will look for an existing survey interaction that has a phone_number matching the callerNumber conversation attribute.

Screen capture of Match Conversations with Existing Survey Interactions set to Match only

The Match Only and Match or Add conditions search for existing survey interactions that were created after the Genesys Cloud conversation began.

(Optional) Polling via API

Rather than automatically polling Genesys Cloud for conversation updates, you can choose to poll for specific conversations via API instead. In the Purecloud Polling Options dropdown menu, select API Enabled to use this feature.

Screen capture of Purecloud Polling Options menu with API enabled selected

When enabled, Mindful Feedback will no longer automatically poll for conversation updates but will wait to receive requests at the /process_genesys_cloud_conversation API endpoint. This endpoint only expects two parameters in a POST request:

  • conversation_id (string): The ID of the Genesys Cloud conversation to poll
  • delay_in_minutes (integer): The desired delay in processing the request

The following examples show a Genesys Cloud Data Action configured to send requests to /process_genesys_cloud_conversation. This Action could be called at any point in an Architect Flow to poll the conversation associated with the ID provided in the request.

Screen capture of Setup Contracts tabScreen capture of Setup Configurations tab