Phone numbers

Learn how to provision and assign PSTN or SIP numbers to your organization's active Call Targets using the Phone Numbers page.

The Phone Numbers page allows you to provision additional PSTN or SIP numbers for use by your Organization and assign each one to an active Call Target.

The process of provisioning phone numbers can be thought of as claiming unique numbers that will be reserved for inbound calls to your Call Targets. Any calls sent to a provisioned number from outside the system will be handled by the assigned Call Target if it is active.

image of the phone numbers page


This article covers the following topics.

  • Provisioning new PSTN or SIP numbers
  • Assigning PSTN or SIP numbers to Call Targets

Provisioning New PSTN and SIP Numbers

The first time the Phone Numbers page is accessed, it will display a message indicating that there are no numbers provisioned for the Organization. If you see this message, click the link labeled You should select one.

If you already have phone numbers provisioned for your Organization, but you would like to add more, use the steps below.

Provision a New PSTN Number

Note: For Government Users - Only SIP numbers can be provisioned in the Government instance. Scroll down for instructions on provisioning SIP numbers.

Quick access: Callback > Phone Numbers > PSTN tab

  1. In the PSTN tab, click Provision additional PSTN Numbers.
  2. If you would like to use a specific area code for your Call Target's phone number, type your desired area code into the Area Code search box. Otherwise, leave the box empty.
  3. Review the list of available numbers to find one you would like to claim, then click Provision in the corresponding row.
image of the available numbers page

Provision a New SIP Number

Quick access: Callback> Phone Numbers > SIP tab

  1. Use the dropdown menu next to the Add SIP Number(s) button to select a quantity of numbers to add.
  2. Click Add SIP Number(s) once to add as many numbers as you specified in the previous step.
screenshot of the sip tab

Your Organization will have a unique SIP Number prefix, which will be displayed in the SIP tab.

Assigning PSTN and SIP Numbers to Call Targets

When viewing the list of PSTN and SIP numbers provisioned for your Organization, you can assign each number to any Call Target you would like, and you can change Call Targets as often as needed. The numbers will not be permanently linked to any Call Target. You can assign multiple numbers to the same Call Target, as well.

To assign a Call Target to a number, first locate the row associated with the SIP number, then use the dropdown menu in the Assign Target column to select a Call Target. The change will happen immediately, with no need to save and publish manually.