Call Targets page

The Call Targets page allows you to manage callback settings, SMS notifications, user data collection, and operational hours.

The Call Targets page contains all of the settings necessary to create and configure your Call Targets to offer callbacks and forward customers to your contact center. Call Targets represent the destinations to which callback requests can be sent. They point to the holding queues in your contact center and allow the interaction between the Mindful Callback application and your phone system.

When you first load the Call Targets page, you will see a list of your Call Targets and selected information about each one. Click the name of an existing Call Target to view additional options and configurable settings.

image of the call targets page

Call Target settings

The majority of basic configurable settings for your Call Target can be found on the General tab. This tab is separated into sections that group similar settings together for ease of access. The articles listed below and in the sidebar menu explain each setting on this tab:

Additional tabs

Messaging, metadata, and hours of operation are managed in separate tabs on the Call Target page. Click below or use the sidebar menu to learn more about these tabs:


Looking for a specific setting on the General tab? Type the name of the setting in the search field to quickly highlight what you're looking for.

example of using the search field

Deleting a Call Target

To delete a Call Target, click the Delete icon in the appropriate row on the Call Targets page. See below for frequently asked questions related to deleted Call Targets.

FAQs for deleted Call Targets

Q: Will historical data for a deleted Call Target still be accessible in the future?

A: Yes, any historical data that was gathered prior to deleting the Call Target will be maintained and accessible.

Q: Will the Call Target still be visible in real-time reports (Callback Status, etc.)?

A: No. Once a Call Target is deleted, it will not show in real-time reports.

Q: Can I access the Call Target through the Mindful API after deletion?

A: That depends on the specific API endpoint you wish to access:

  • Historical Bulk API: Yes. All historical data will still be accessible.

  • Real-time Statistics API: No. Once a Call Target is deleted, it will not be returned by the real-time API.

  • Configuration API: No. Nothing further can be done to the configuration of a deleted Call Target.

Q: Will the Call Target still appear on Insights dashboards?

A: Yes. The Call Target will still be selectable in Insights filters, and the data will still be present.

Q: Can the deleted Call Target be restored in the future?

A: No. The specific Call Target and its configuration cannot be restored, although the associated historical data is still available.