Messaging tab

The Call Target > Messaging tab allows you to set up SMS notifications for customers awaiting callbacks. You can also provide the option to receive a text message with further information rather than requesting a callback, with the ability to customize the message here.


For clients using regular 10-digit phone numbers (known as "ten-digit long codes" or "10DLCs"), Mindful's carrier partners require the number to be registered with the Campaign Registry, which is used by the majority of US mobile carriers to validate the authenticity of application-to-person (or "A2P") SMS traffic.

If your brand is using 10DLCs, please complete this form so that we can ensure that the 10DLC campaigns are submitted as soon as possible.

No action is required for clients using toll-free numbers (TFNs) and short codes to send SMS, or anyone using SMS outside of the continental United States.


The Handle field determines the number that will display in a customer's SMS app when a notification message is received.

Note: For government users - In the government instance, SMS short codes can be used for the Handle.

Voice to Messaging

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Messaging tab

The Voice to Text Message setting adds a new option to the voice menu to offer customers the opportunity to receive an automated SMS message rather than speaking with an agent. When enabled, the Voice to Text Message Text field is displayed.

The Message Text field sets the text of the message to be sent to customers when they choose to transition to messaging rather than requesting a callback.

Scheduled Callback Message Text

The Scheduled Callback Message Text field allows you to customize the message sent to customers who have chosen to schedule a callback via messaging. By default, the field will contain the text configured on the Global Settings page, and you can customize the text for individual Call Targets to align with a specific department or line of business.

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > Messaging tab > Intercepts

image of the scheduled callback message text field
Note: When customizing the text in the Scheduled Callback Message Text field, make sure that the {{widget-url}} component is present. This component places a link to the assigned Scheduler Widget into the message.

Confirmation Notification

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > Messaging tab

When selected, the Confirmation Notification setting enables Confirmation notifications for the Call Target, which will send SMS messages to customers to confirm that their callbacks have been successfully requested. When enabled, the Confirmation Text field is displayed.

example confirmation notification text

The Confirmation Text field sets the text of the message to be sent to customers to confirm that their callback request has been registered. This notification will be sent shortly after the customer disconnects their call to wait for their callback.

Important: The Minimum Callback Delay should be greater than two minutes, or Confirmation notifications may not be sent. See Callback strategy to learn how to set or check this value.

Reminder Notification

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > Messaging tab

When checked, the Reminder Notification setting enables Reminder notifications for the Call Target, which will send SMS messages to customers to remind them 15 minutes prior to a scheduled callback. When enabled, the Reminder Text field is displayed.

example reminder notification text

The Reminder Text field sets the text of the message to be sent to customers to remind them that their scheduled callback will soon arrive. This notification does not apply to ASAP callbacks or those moved to the next business day via the Next Business Day Callback feature, but only to callbacks specifically scheduled for a later time.

You can also add automations to notification messages to improve the customer experience. This allows customers to respond to SMS messages in prescribed ways. The following automations can be added to the text of your Notifications. Please note that automations must be set up by Mindful staff before you will be able to add them to your Notifications.

  • @callme provides the ability to register a new callback
  • @cancel offers the option to cancel a pending callback
  • @status provides the ability to check the status of a pending callback
Note: Reminder notifications will only be sent for callbacks scheduled at least 30 minutes in the future when they were requested.
Important: Scheduled callbacks are not guaranteed to launch at their exact scheduled time. Reminder Notifications will be sent 15 minutes prior to the scheduled callback time, but it is possible for the callback to be delayed.

Callback Launch Priorities

When a callback cannot be dialed due to the current queue conditions (based on the Max Queue Depth and/or Max Active Calls settings), it is added to an internal waitlist. Two separate waitlists are used, with different levels of priority, based on the callback type.

ASAP callbacks are added to their own waitlist, while scheduled callbacks and retries are combined into a second waitlist with a higher priority.

diagram demonstrating how Mindful determines when to launch callbacks

Setting different priorities for different types of callbacks helps to ensure that customer expectations are met as closely as possible.

  • Customers expect scheduled callbacks at a specific time, and they may have received a Reminder Notification to reinforce the scheduled time, so it is important to dial those callbacks as close to the scheduled time as possible.
  • Retries are callbacks that were intended to be answered already, and it's a best practice to dial retries at a regular interval.
  • For ASAP callbacks, customers may have been quoted the Estimated Callback Time (ECBT) with a +/- 20% buffer, or they may not have been quoted an estimate at all. Punctuality is still important, but less important than scheduled callbacks or retries.

Final Attempt Notification

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > Messaging tab

When checked, the Final Attempt Notification setting enables Final Attempt notifications for the Call Target, which will send SMS messages to customers when all callback attempts have failed and no additional retries remain. When enabled, the Final Attempt Text field is displayed.

example final attempt notification text field

The Final Attempt Textfield sets the text of the message to be sent to customers to inform them that all callback attempts to their phone number have failed. You can use this text as an opportunity to encourage customers to call back.

Success Notification

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > Messaging tab

When checked, the Success Notification setting enables Success notifications for the Call Target, which will send SMS messages to customers after a successful callback is complete. When enabled, the Success Text field is displayed.

example success notification text

Use Cases

The Success Text field sets the text of the message to be sent to customers after their call. You can use this message to communicate anything you would like, including:

  • Links to after-call surveys to gather feedback for CSAT, NPS, and other metrics
  • Follow-up call to action or reminders
  • Targeted sales opportunities
When sending links in the Success notification, such as after-call surveys, you have the advantages of keeping traffic outside of voice channels and ensuring security compliance by leading customers to a secure location.

To avoid sending surveys too often to your customers, we recommend paying close attention to which Call Targets utilize Success notifications and how long the feature is enabled at a time. The following tips can help to manage the frequency of survey offers.

  • Enable Success notifications for specific periods of time to gather survey input, then disable them until you would like to gather input again.
  • Choose Call Targets that do not experience a high volume of repeat callers to avoid sending multiple surveys to individuals each day.
  • For Call Targets with very low volume and very few repeat callers, you might consider leaving the feature enabled at all times. In this case, it is still important to monitor the usage over time.

You can also add automations to notification messages to improve the customer experience. This allows customers to respond to SMS messages in prescribed ways. The following automations can be added to the text of your Notifications. Automations must be set up by Mindful staff before you will be able to add them to your Notifications.

  • @callme provides the ability to register a new callback
  • @cancel offers the option to cancel a pending callback
  • @status provides the ability to check the status of a pending callback

Using dynamic text replacement

Near the text field for any notification, you will see a list of buttons labeled Available Components. You can click any of these buttons to add the corresponding component, such as the customer contact number or ECBT, into the text field as a variable. This allows you to insert dynamic text that is customized for each interaction.

example available components buttons
  • Contact Number: Click to insert the customer's phone number into the message text.
  • Callback CID: Click to insert your Callback CID into the message text. This is the number that will appear on the customer's phone via Caller ID.
  • ECBT: Click to insert the Estimated Callback Time into the message text.
  • Scheduled Time: Click to insert the scheduled callback time into the message.
  • Widget URL: Click to insert a link to a Scheduler Widget, then select the Widget to use in the Notification Widget field directly beneath the Available Components buttons.


The following example uses several available components to personalize a notification:

We will call you back at {{contact-number}}. Your estimated callback time is {{ecbt}}, and the callback will be coming from {{callback-cid}}.

In this example, the customer would see something like:

"We will call you back at 330-555-1234. Your estimated callback time is 15 minutes from now, and the callback will be coming from 800-555-9988."

  • For Organizations that use international languages, be aware that the {{scheduled-time}} and {{ecbt}} components include English verbiage that cannot be updated for other languages at this time.
  • The first time a notification is sent from your Organization, it should include language informing the customer that they may opt-out of SMS messaging at any time by replying STOP (ex: Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages from us). This language should be included in the confirmation notification since this is generally the first message that an Organization delivers to a customer. If a customer replies STOP, a message will be sent explaining how they can opt back into messaging in the future.