(9.0+) Genesys

Settings per segment particular to Genesys integrations.

Get ANI from KVP

Requires restart

When set to ON, the On-Premise Callback system retrieves the ANI from one of the Genesys KVPs on the call.

Valid: ON / OFF

Default: OFF

KVP Name for ANI

Requires restart

  • Specifies the Key Name for the KVP that Callback retrieves the ANI from.
  • Use in conjunction with Get ANI from KVP.

Valid: Any string

Default: ANI

This setting is only used in Genesys environments.

Enable Predictive Plus

Creates a virtual call on a Genesys virtual route point for each callback, allowing Genesys StatServer to be aware of these calls.

Valid: ON / OFF

Default: OFF

Use Diverted for Agent Answered

  • When set to ON, Queue Manager interprets EventDiverted messages for a given call as an indication that the call was answered by an agent.
  • Eliminates the need for Queue Manager to monitor each agent station individually.
  • Only applies when Queue Manager uses a TIAL Genesys link.

Valid: ON / OFF

Default: ON

Use Diverted on Queuing DN

  • When set to ON, Queue Manager expects calls to queue and divert from an intermediate queue prior to queueing and diverting from the final queue.
  • When calls enter the intermediate queue, Queue Manager interprets the EventQueued message as an indication that the calls are now considered enqueued.
  • When calls divert from the intermediate queue and queue to the final queue, Queue Manager still considers the calls enqueued.
  • When the calls exit the final queue and generate an Event Diverted message, Queue Manager considers the calls dequeued and answered by an agent.

Valid: ON / OFF

Default: OFF

Use TransferCall Function

Requires restart

Determines whether Callback uses the Genesys TransferCall function call.

Valid: ON / OFF

Default: OFF

Milliseconds Delay before Transferring to Priority Queue

Requires restart

Length of time to wait before transferring a call to the callback queue when using the Genesys Screen Pop Adapter.

Valid: 0 - 99999

Default: 0