(9.0+) Dialing

Settings affecting which numbers to dial when reconnecting with the caller.

Calling Party Number (Outbound ANI)

Description Values
  • Calling Party Number (Outbound ANI) allows for a configurable number to display on a customer's caller ID when an outbound call is placed.
  • Use depends on the dialing mechanism.

Valid: Numeric String

Default: Blank

Outbound ANI may be overwritten based on carrier configuration.

Dial Prefix

Description Values
When a value is entered here, this number is dialed before the caller-specified number.

Valid: Any String

Default: Blank

Dial Suffix

Description Values
When a value is entered here, this number is dialed after the caller-specified number.

Valid: Any String

Default: Blank

Strip Leading Zero from Phone Number

Description Values
  • In countries outside North America, callers may enter zero at the beginning of their telephone number.
  • This setting removes this leading zero if set to ON.
  • Phone number validation rules must be updated to allow phone numbers beginning with 0.

Valid: ON / OFF

Default: OFF