Configuring Enterprise Pulse
Enterprise Pulse is a Callback license feature that sends messages about the Callback application to an existing SNMP manager. To configure Enterprise Pulse:
- add the application to the core monitor site.config file
- enable the SNMP registry setting
- configure the SNMP manager
- add filters to the configuration file
If Enterprise Pulse is being used, RabbitMQ must also be federated.
Before you begin: Enterprise Pulse must be present in the license file before it can be implemented. If you are not currently licensed for Enterprise Pulse, and would like to enable the feature for your solution, please contact your VHT representative.
Configuring Enterprise Pulse for Callback 8.11.0-8.11.1
Adding the application to the Core Monitor site.config
Add the Enterprise Pulse application to the application_list section of vht_console_app in the Core Monitor site.config file.
To add the Enterprise Pulse application to the application_list:
- Open the Core Monitor site.config file, located on the Core instance at C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Core Monitor.
- Locate the application_list section of the vht_console_app.
- Add Enterprise Pulse in the following format:
- [{name, enterprise_monitoring}, {exe, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/EnterprisePulse/VHT_SNMP_Console.exe"}, qm_controlled]
Sample vht_console_app section of the Core Monitor site.config:
{vht_logger_options,[{ base_log_file_path,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},
[{name,report_writer},{exe,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHT_ReportWriter_Console.exe"},keep_alive],
[{name,provider},{exe,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHT_Provider_Console.exe"},qm_controlled],
[{name,op_mode_server},{exe,"C:/Program Files(x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHT_OperationModeServer_Console.exe"}]
[{name, enterprise_monitoring}, {exe, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/EnterprisePulse/VHT_SNMP_Console.exe"}, qm_controlled],
[{name, real_time_adapter},{exe, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/RealTimeAdapter/VHT_CicRealTimeAdapter_Console.exe"}, qm_controlled]
- Save the site.config file.
- Restart Core Monitor.
- If Enterprise Pulse is being used in a HA system, repeat Steps 1-5 on each Core Monitor.
Configuring an SNMP manager
Enterprise Pulse sends messages to an existing SNMP manager. In order for the existing SNMP manager to receive messages from Enterprise Pulse, it must be configured in the VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file located by default at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\EnterprisePulse
To configure the SNMP manager, modify the following attributes:
- Designate a location for the VHT_SNMP log folder by adding an attribute value to logFilePath.
Sample logFilePath:
<application level="5" name="SNMP" logFilePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs"/>
The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs.
- Configure the SNMP manager by modifying the attributes of snmpConfig.
- managerIP - Identify the IP address of the SNMP manager.
- port - Identify the port on which the SNMP manager is listening.
- community - Identify the community to which the listener belongs.
Sample snmpConfig:
<snmpConfig managerIP="" port="162" community="public"/>
Adding filters
The messages Enterprise Pulse sends to the SNMP manager are determined by filters. These filters are added in the snmpFilterConfig section of the VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file.
To configure filters:
- Add filters to the filters section in the format <add valueName="FilterName"/>. For a list of filters, please see the Enterprise Pulse filters topic.
Sample snmpFilterConfig:
<add key="callOID" associatedOID=""/>
<add valueName="Callback Failed"/>
<add valueName="Final State"/>
- Save the VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file.
Do not modify the origins element. Modifying this element can impact functionality, and cause SNMP to receive incorrect messages.
Sample VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file
The following sample VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file has been configured to listen for Callback Failed and Final State filters.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sectionGroup name="VHTConfiguration">
<section name="vhtLogging" type="VHT.Common.Library.Configuration.Logging.VHTLoggingSection, VHT.Common.Library" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere"/>
<section name="RabbitMQConfig" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.RabbitMQConfig, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<section name="snmpOidBuilder" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.SnmpOidBuilder, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<section name="snmpConfig" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.SnmpConfig, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<section name="snmpFilterConfig" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.SnmpFilterConfig, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1"/>
<application level="5" name="SNMP" logFilePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs"/>
<RabbitMQConfig username="guest" password="guest" hostname="localhost" port="5672">
<add exchange="vht_snmp_call_exchange" exchangeType="fanout" queue="snmp_call_trap_queue" routingKey="trap_call" associatedOID=""/>
<add exchange="vht_snmp_exchange" exchangeType="topic" queue="snmp_exception_trap_queue" routingKey="trap_exception" associatedOID=""/>
<add exchange="vht_snmp_exchange" exchangeType="topic" queue="snmp_component_trap_queue" routingKey="trap_component" associatedOID=""/>
<add key="timeStamp" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callId" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callHistName" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callHistValue" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exFunction" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exFile" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exLine" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="application" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exceptionMessage" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="innerException" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="sysMgmtComponent" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="sysMgmtComponentStatus" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callOID" associatedOID=""/>
<add valueName="Callback Failed"/>
<add valueName="Final State"/>
<snmpConfig managerIP="" port="162" community="public"/>
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
Enable Call Data Feed
To enable receiving Call Info Data from QueueManager to the messages to the SNMP manager, the following System Variable needs to be set.
- Log into Launchpad
- Select Configuration
- Navigate to System Settings
- Expand Call Reporting setting
- Turn on Enable Call Data Feed
- Save Changes
- Restart QueueManager
Configuring Enterprise Pulse for Callback 8.11.2
Adding the application to the Core Monitor site.config
Add the Enterprise Pulse application to the application_list section of vht_console_app in the Core Monitor site.config file.
To add the Enterprise Pulse application to the application_list:
- Open the Core Monitor site.config file, located on the Core instance at C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Core Monitor.
- Locate the application_list section of the vht_console_app.
- Add Enterprise Pulse in the following format:
- [{name, enterprise_monitoring}, {exe, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/EnterprisePulse/VHT_SNMP_Console.exe"}, qm_controlled]
Sample vht_console_app section of the Core Monitor site.config:
{vht_logger_options,[{ base_log_file_path,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},
[{name,report_writer},{exe,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHT_ReportWriter_Console.exe"},keep_alive],
[{name,provider},{exe,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHT_Provider_Console.exe"},qm_controlled],
[{name,op_mode_server},{exe,"C:/Program Files(x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHT_OperationModeServer_Console.exe"}]
[{name, enterprise_monitoring}, {exe, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/EnterprisePulse/VHT_SNMP_Console.exe"}, qm_controlled],
[{name, real_time_adapter},{exe, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/RealTimeAdapter/VHT_CicRealTimeAdapter_Console.exe"}, qm_controlled]
- Save the site.config file.
- Restart Core Monitor.
- If Enterprise Pulse is being used in a HA system, repeat Steps 1-5 on each Core Monitor.
Configuring an SNMP manager
Enterprise Pulse sends messages to an existing SNMP manager. In order for the existing SNMP manager to receive messages from Enterprise Pulse, it must be configured in the VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file located by default at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\EnterprisePulse
To configure the SNMP manager, modify the following attributes:
- Designate a location for the VHT_SNMP log folder by adding an attribute value to logFilePath.
Sample logFilePath:
<application level="5" name="SNMP" logFilePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs"/>
The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs.
- Configure the SNMP manager by modifying the attributes of snmpConfig.
- managerIP - Identify the IP address of the SNMP manager.
- port - Identify the port on which the SNMP manager is listening.
- community - Identify the community to which the listener belongs.
Sample snmpConfig:
<snmpConfig managerIP="" port="162" community="public"/>
Adding filters
The messages Enterprise Pulse sends to the SNMP manager are determined by filters. These filters are added in the snmpFilterConfig section of the VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file.
To configure filters:
- Add filters to the filters section in the format <add valueName="FilterName"/>. For a list of filters, please see the Enterprise Pulse filters topic.
Sample snmpFilterConfig:
<add key="callOID" associatedOID=""/>
<add valueName="Callback Failed"/>
<add valueName="Final State"/>
- Save the VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file.
Do not modify the origins element. Modifying this element can impact functionality, and cause SNMP to receive incorrect messages.
Sample VHT_SNMP_Console.exe.config file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sectionGroup name="VHTConfiguration">
<section name="vhtLogging" type="VHT.Common.Library.Configuration.Logging.VHTLoggingSection, VHT.Common.Library" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere"/>
<section name="RabbitMQConfig" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.RabbitMQConfig, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<section name="snmpOidBuilder" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.SnmpOidBuilder, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<section name="snmpConfig" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.SnmpConfig, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<section name="snmpFilterConfig" type="SNMP_TRAP.Models.SnmpFilterConfig, SNMP_TRAP"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1"/>
<application level="5" name="SNMP" logFilePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs"/>
<RabbitMQConfig username="guest" password="guest" hostname="localhost" port="5672">
<add exchange="vht_snmp_call_exchange" exchangeType="fanout" queue="snmp_call_trap_queue" routingKey="trap_call" associatedOID=""/>
<add exchange="vht_snmp_exchange" exchangeType="topic" queue="snmp_exception_trap_queue" routingKey="trap_exception" associatedOID=""/>
<add exchange="vht_snmp_exchange" exchangeType="topic" queue="snmp_component_trap_queue" routingKey="trap_component" associatedOID=""/>
<add key="timeStamp" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callId" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callHistName" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callHistValue" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exFunction" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exFile" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exLine" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="application" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="exceptionMessage" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="innerException" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="sysMgmtComponent" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="sysMgmtComponentStatus" oid="" syntax="OCTET STRING"/>
<add key="callOID" associatedOID=""/>
<add valueName="Callback Failed"/>
<add valueName="Final State"/>
<snmpConfig managerIP="" port="162" community="public"/>
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
To enable receiving Call Info Data from QueueManager to the messages to the SNMP manager, the following System Variable needs to be set.
- Log into Launchpad
- Select Configuration
- Navigate to System Settings
- Expand Call Reporting setting
- Turn on Enable Call Data Feed
- Save Changes
- Restart QueueManager
Federating RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ must be federated in order to transmit messages. Federating RabbitMQ for use with Enterprise Pulse requires creating upstreams and defining a policy on each Core instance in the solution.
Configuring upstreams: Perform the following on each Core instance:
- Open the RabbitMQ interface using the URL localhost:15672.
- Log in using the username and password guest.
- Select the Admin tab, and select Federation upstreams link.
- Populate the Add a new upstreamfields with the following:
- Name - Enter the name of a server in the solution in all lowercase letters.
- URI - Enter the URI in the format amqp://RabbitMQUsername:Password@SERVERNAME?heartbeat=10&connection_timeout=500Where:• RabbitMQUsername is the RabbitMQ username for the server• Password is the password for the RabbitMQ user• SERVERNAME (in all caps) is the name of the server from Step a
- Expires - Enter 300000.
- Max hops - Enter 1.
- Leave all other fields with the default settings.
- Click Add upstream.
- Click Federation status and verify the newly added upstream is displayed and running correctly.
- Repeat Steps 1-6 for each remaining Core, Management, and Peripheral server.
Defining a policy: Perform the following on each Core instance:
- Open the RabbitMQ interface using the URL localhost:15672.
- Log in using the username and password guest.
- Select the Admin tab, and select the Policies link.
- Populate the Add/update a policyfields with the following:
- Name - Enter vht_enterprise_pulse.
- Pattern - Enter vht_snmp_exchange.
- Apply to - Select all exchanges.
- Definition - Type federation-upstream-set = all.
- Click Add policy.
- Repeat Steps 1-5 for each Core instance.