Configuring OCC IVG (Avaya)
The Outbound Contact Client (OCC) is configured during VHT Callback® installation, and can also be configured post-installation by modifying the roundrobin.seed and the vht_outbound_contact_client section of the Peripheral Monitor site.config file.
During installation, the selected dialer type plugin corresponds to the type of IVR platform to which OCC will interface. Each IVR platform has unique requirements for initiating an outbound voice call via an HTTP request, and each dialer type plugin requires unique configuration attributes for properly sending and receiving the HTTP messages that enable callback functionality.
Configuring the roundrobin.seed
The roundrobin.seed file contains the IP address and port used to establish connectivity to Queue Manager. In High Availability Queue Manager deployment models where there is only a single OCC, a second IP address and port can be added to the file. OCC connects to the first active Queue Manager and processes callback requests while connected. In the event the connection fails, OCC attempts to establish connectivity to the next Queue Manager in the roundrobin.seed file and process callback requests while connected. Therefore, OCC "round robins" the configured Queue Managers until a connection is established, and remains connected and processing callback requests until the connection fails
roundrobin.seed Examples
The following represents the general format for the roundrobin.seed file.
The value for Server_Where_QueueManager_Is_Installed may be one of the following options:
- Short name
- Example: "occtest03"
- Example: "occtest03.qalab.local"
- IP Address
- Example: ""
The following represents an example of a roundrobin.seed file with a single QueueManager.
The following represents an example of a roundrobin.seed file in a High Availability environment.
This setup is only supported in a High Availability environment with a single OCC
Configuring the site.config
The Peripheral Monitor site.config file contains the OCC configuration attributes for facilitating callback requests and dispositions between IVR platforms and QueueManager. The Peripheral Monitor site.config file may be configured post-installation.
IVG (Avaya) site.config configuration attributes
The following table provides descriptions and default values for the configuration attributes within the Peripheral Monitor site.config file.
An asterisk (*) denotes optional configuration options. All other configuration attributes are required.
OCC application attributes
Attribute | Description | Default value |
voice_platform | OCC dialer type plugin for IVR platform connections. | ivg_plugin |
ivg_environment | The Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) environment for the configuration. | avaya |
queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds | Frequency interval with which OCC will ping QueueManager. This is used in High Availability deployments with two core instances, two management instances, and an OCC deployed on each management instance. The active OCC connects to the active QueueManager, and the OCC in standby mode will ping the QueueManager. In the event of a failover, the OCC in standby will become active and the second OCC will enter ping mode. See Peripheral Monitor site.config for more information. | 15 |
ivr_group_name | IVRGroup as defined in the IVR Server table in the VHT_Config database. | NA |
ivr_server_name | ServerName as defined in the IVR Server table in the VHT_Config database. | NA |
ivr_port_send_interval_ms | Polling interval in milliseconds for sending port notification to QueueManager. | 2000 |
time_to_exclude_on_failure_ms | After a connection is removed from the connection pool due to failure, this setting determines how may milliseconds to wait before adding the connection back into the connection pool. | 150000 |
disposition_url | Disposition URL passed to IVR platforms in HTTP callback requests. | http://<OCC_IP:/PORT>/<OCC_PATH> |
disposition_timeout | Number of milliseconds that OCC will wait to receive callback disposition from the IVR platform before timing out.
| 55000 |
agent_priority_disposition_timeout |
| 125000 |
Global connection attributes
Attribute | Description | Default value |
voice_platform | OCC dialer type plugin for IVR platform connections. | ivg_plugin |
ivg_environment | The Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) environment for the configuration. | avaya |
queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds | Frequency interval with which OCC will ping QueueManager. This is used in High Availability deployments with two core instances, two management instances, and an OCC deployed on each management instance. The active OCC connects to the active QueueManager, and the OCC in standby mode will ping the QueueManager. In the event of a failover, the OCC in standby will become active and the second OCC will enter ping mode. See Peripheral Monitor site.config for more information. | 15 |
ivr_group_name | IVRGroup as defined in the IVR Server table in the VHT_Config database. | NA |
ivr_server_name | ServerName as defined in the IVR Server table in the VHT_Config database. | NA |
ivr_port_send_interval_ms | Polling interval in milliseconds for sending port notification to QueueManager. | 2000 |
time_to_exclude_on_failure_ms | After a connection is removed from the connection pool due to failure, this setting determines how may milliseconds to wait before adding the connection back into the connection pool. | 150000 |
disposition_url | Disposition URL passed to IVR platforms in HTTP callback requests. | http://<OCC_IP:/PORT>/<OCC_PATH> |
disposition_timeout | Number of milliseconds that OCC will wait to receive callback disposition from the IVR platform before timing out.
| 55000 |
max_age | The amount of time (in seconds) to cache the CCXML document before the content is considered stale and must be re-fetched. | 86400 seconds (1 day) |
default_connection_attributes | Global attributes used for all IVR platform connections. | NA |
outdial_http_options timeout | Number of milliseconds that OCC will wait for a response from the IVR platform web service after making an http callback request. | 5000 |
outdial_http_options connect_timeout | Number of milliseconds that OCC will wait for the initial http connection with the IVR platform web service. | 5000 |
request_header Accept | Standard HTTP formatting indicating that json is the expected content type for HTTP responses from the IVR platform web service. | application/json |
request_header Content_Type | Standard HTTP formatting indicating that json is the content type that will be sent for HTTP requests to the IVR platform web service. | application/json |
ring_no_answer_timeout | Number of milliseconds passed to the IVR platform to ring a callback before ending the call.
| 50000 |
ccxml_fetch_timeout | Number of milliseconds allotted to fetch the CCXML document. If the timeout limit is exceeded, the fetch attempt is abandoned and an error is returned. | 5000 |
enable_amd* | Set to true to detect an answering machine. Set to false to not detect an answering machine. | false |
tenant | Site name of the Virtual Hold installation. | NA |
agent_connect_timeout |
| 25000 |
agent_answer_timeout |
| 35000 |
agent_preview_timeout |
| 60000 |
Connection attributes
Attribute | Description | Default value |
load_balanced_connections |
| NA |
outdial_url | Voice platform URL to which OCC sends HTTP createsession requests. | http:// <PLATFORM_IP : PORT> / <PLATFORM_ENTRY> |
sip_proxy | IP Address appended to callback phone numbers for outbound dialing through a SIP proxy
| NA |
vht_ccis_uri | DThe URI of the Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS) application to execute in the new call session. | http:// <ip_address> : <port> /CCIS/vht_hvp.ccxml |
dnis | DNIS replaces the VIS Url. Locate this value in the Holly Management System by navigating to Application Editor > Service Provider > Affiliate > Outbound Application. Notes:
| outbound |
agent_priority_dnis * | The DNIS which corresponds to the Agent Priority application provisioned within IVG. | agntpriority |
outreach_dnis * | The DNIS which corresponds to the Outreach application provisioned within IVG. | outreach |
node_id | Used in the creation of an Avaya UCID for the outbound call through the associated IVG device. Note: The Node-ID must be unique per IVG device. | NA |
failure_destination* | Destination to which answered callbacks are transferred when the outbound IVR application is unavailable. When this value is not configured, answered callbacks are disconnected when the outbound IVR application is unavailable. | NA |
ani* | Enable automatic number identification by entering the phone number to be used as the caller ID for callbacks. | NA |
directed_connections* |
| NA |
segment |
Important: The directed_connections list requires the segment attribute. When segments are not used to identify directed connections, configure the segment attribute with an empty value as shown in the following example. | NA |
queue |
Important: The directed_connections list requires the queue attribute. When queues are not used to identify directed connections, configure the queue attribute with an empty value as shown in the following example: | NA |