Customizing Access Level Permissions


Control a user's ability to perform certain actions within the user interface:

  • View -- specific reports, pages, configuration menus, configuration sections, and configuration settings.
  • Change -- password and specific configuration settings
  • Cancel -- interactions from dashboards

Customizing an Existing Access Level

In the VHT_Config database:

  1. In the Roles table, find the ID number that represents the access level to modify.
  2. In the Permissions table, find the ID number for the permission to change.
  3. In the RolePermissions table, use these ID numbers to locate the roles and permissions to modify.

For example, to prevent users with Manager access from changing their passwords:

  1. In the Roles table, find the ID number that represents the Manager access level.
  2. In the Permissions table, find the ID number for the Change Password feature.
  3. In the RolePermissions table, find the row with a Manager access level in the Role and Permission fields.
  4. Delete that row.

Creating a Custom Access Level

Custom access levels default to Administrator permissions. Change permission levels using the steps in Customizing an Existing Access Level.

To create a new access level, perform the following steps in the VHT Configuration database:

  1. In the Roles table, add a row for the new access level. The id field will auto-generate numbers.
  2. In the name field, enter a meaningful name for the new access level.
  3. In the RolePermissions table, add a row for each permission allowed in the new access level. The id field will auto-generate numbers.

The role field will have the id from the Roles table and the permission field will have the id from the Permissions table.

For example, create a new Access Level called NewCustomRole that copies all Administrator permissions:

INSERT INTO [Roles] ([name]) VALUES ('NewCustomRole'); INSERT INTO [RolePermissions] SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as [role], [permission] FROM RolePermissions  WHERE [role] = 4;

This is an example only; review and change according to your needs before executing.

Assign Access Level to Users

  1. Navigate to Launchpad > Users > Add or Modify Users
  2. Assign the new Access Level to the appropriate users.