Customizing Access Level Permissions
Control a user's ability to perform certain actions within the user interface:
- View -- specific reports, pages, configuration menus, configuration sections, and configuration settings.
- Change -- password and specific configuration settings
- Cancel -- interactions from dashboards
Customizing an Existing Access Level
In the VHT_Config database:
- In the Roles table, find the ID number that represents the access level to modify.
- In the Permissions table, find the ID number for the permission to change.
- In the RolePermissions table, use these ID numbers to locate the roles and permissions to modify.
For example, to prevent users with Manager access from changing their passwords:
- In the Roles table, find the ID number that represents the Manager access level.
- In the Permissions table, find the ID number for the Change Password feature.
- In the RolePermissions table, find the row with a Manager access level in the Role and Permission fields.
- Delete that row.
Creating a Custom Access Level
Custom access levels default to Administrator permissions. Change permission levels using the steps in Customizing an Existing Access Level.
To create a new access level, perform the following steps in the VHT Configuration database:
- In the Roles table, add a row for the new access level. The id field will auto-generate numbers.
- In the name field, enter a meaningful name for the new access level.
- In the RolePermissions table, add a row for each permission allowed in the new access level. The id field will auto-generate numbers.
The role field will have the id from the Roles table and the permission field will have the id from the Permissions table.
For example, create a new Access Level called NewCustomRole that copies all Administrator permissions:
INSERT INTO [Roles] ([name]) VALUES ('NewCustomRole'); INSERT INTO [RolePermissions] SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as [role], [permission] FROM RolePermissions WHERE [role] = 4;
This is an example only; review and change according to your needs before executing.
Assign Access Level to Users
- Navigate to Launchpad > Users > Add or Modify Users
- Assign the new Access Level to the appropriate users.