(9.1+) Adding a new rule

You can create your own rule by clicking +New Rule from the Rule page, and customizing the rule to your desired specifications. Build the rule using If/Then syntax and designate the Queues the rule should be applied to.

Once the rule has been created, it can be Activated. Once a rule is activated, it will be evaluated in the next rule processing interval.

You can use one of the out-of-the-box templates to create a rule using Rule Templates, as well.

Creating a rule

Whenever you create a rule, you will want to create a complimentary rule that reverses the behavior once the outcome has been achieved.

For example, if you create a rule to change the Operation Mode to Smart Purge when EWT is greater than 04:00:00, then you will also want to create a rule to change the Operation Mode back when EWT reduces.

creating a new rule

Use the following instructions to create a new rule:

BUSINESS HOURS - You will want to set rules to take place during business hours. This prevents the Smart Rules from overriding operation schedules that fall outside of normal business hours.

TIMEZONES - Be sure to select the correct timezone when configuring rules.

TIME FORMAT - Time format is HH:MM:SS

  • Enter the Rule Name for your rule.
  • Select the Queues Affected to designate the queues the rule is applied against.

All - applies the rule to all current queues, and all future queues.

Select a queue - Select specific queues for the rule to be applied to.

  • Define the interval for the rule to be evaluated. The time format is MM:SS.
  • Select the first parameter from the If dropdown. This defines the conditions that needs to be met in order for a rule to be triggered.
  • If additional conditions are required to trigger the rule, click the And or Or buttons to add additional conditions.
  • Select the outcome parameter from the Then dropdown. This defines the behavior that will take place when the If conditions are met.
  • If additional outcomes are required, click the And or Or buttons to add additional outcomes.

Get notified when a rule is triggered! Enter an And condition to send an email to recipients when the rule is triggered.

  • Click the check to save the rule.

Rules will display in the Rules page where they can be activated.

Rules remain inactive until they are Activated on the Rules page.

You can choose to notify certain recipients when a rule is triggered. Add an And condition to Send Email when a rule is triggered.

Here's how:

  • Proceed with Steps 1-5 of the Creating a rule instructions.
  • Add an And outcome to your Then statement, and select Send Email from the dropdown.
  • Fill out the email template with the following:
    • To - Comma separated list of recipients
    • Send email even when rule fires twice in a row - Enable to send email each time the rule is triggered
    • Subject - Subject line of email. The subject line defaults to Rule Triggered: RuleName.
    • Additional Message - Any additional text that needs to be included. This could be instructions for executing an SOP, a workflow, or list of additional contacts who need to be aware of the circumstances.
  • Click Save Changes.

Here is a sample of what the email may look like:

example email

Editing a rule

You can change a rules name, conditions, or target Queues at any time. Once the rule is changed and activated, it will be evaluated at the next rule processing interval.

To edit a rule:

  • Select a rule from the Rules page and click the pencil icon from the Actions column.


  • Click a rule name from the Rules page.
  • Change any of the following settings:
    • Rule Name
    • Queues Affected
    • Processing interval
    • If/Then variables
  • Click the check to review the changes.
  • Click Save Changes to save the rule settings.