
Users settings define user details and access levels.

For login security settings, see Configuration > System Settings > Security.


Lists last name, first name, user name, and access levels of each user.

Add or Modify User

Administrator access level can add, modify, and delete users.

Add or Modify.png

Add a new user:

  1. Add information for New User:
    • Last name
    • First name
    • User name
    • Password
    • Access level: See User Access Levels
    • System Management Access: See User Access Levels
  2. Select optional check boxes
  3. Click OK to create the new user.
Note: With one exception, no special characters are allowed in the First Name, Last Name, or Username fields. The only exception is that an email address can be used as the username.

Modify an existing user:

  1. Select the user from the user drop-down box
  2. Make the necessary changes to any information.
  3. Click OK to submit.

Delete an existing user:

  1. Select the user from the user drop-down box.
  2. Click Delete to submit.

As a safeguard, you cannot delete your own user profile.

Checkbox settings

User must change password at next login When selected, user is forced to change password on next log in.
Account locked
  • Shows as selected if the user is locked out due to the maximum number of invalid login attempts. The account is locked until the Length of Time to Lock User Out value is reached. The box is automatically unchecked once the user logs in again. To set the maximum number of invalid login attempts, see System Settings > Security.
  • Manually deselect this box and clicking OK immediately unlocks the account, and lets the user attempt to log in again. If this box is manually checked by the Administrator, the account is permanently locked (effective the next time the user tries to log in), until it is manually unchecked.
  • Once locked out, the user receives a prompt to contact Administrator.
Password never expires
  • When selected, the system overrides the Password Expires After Days Unused setting for this user.
  • If password requirements are changed, the user is prompted to change the password to meet new requirements, if necessary.