User and Configuration Audit Logging
- Login attempts
- Logout attempts
- Logout due to timeout
- New user added
- Existing user deleted
- Changes made to an existing user:
- First name
- Last name
- Username
- Password
- Access level
- System Management access level
- "User must change password at next login" setting
- "Account locked" setting
- "Password never expires" setting
- Application Settings
- System Variables
- Queue Variables
- Segment Variables
- Callback Offered
- Callback Allowed
- the source of the change, either the user or process
- the type of change
- the important identifiers for the change
- the before and after values
- VHT_Audit_Create_Tables.sql
- VHT_Audit_Create_Connection.sql
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2">
<property name="dialect">NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2012Dialect</property>
<property name="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider</property>
<property name="connection.connection_string">REPLACE_CONNECTION_STRING</property>
Determine Database for Audit LoggingYou have the option to write the audit records to one of the existing databases, or to a separate database.VHT's recommendation, and industry best practice, is to keep audit records separate from configuration records.If the database is on a different server from the configuration database, follow these steps:Configure and Run ScriptsIf an entry exists in the ApplicationSettings table for the AuditDBConnectionString, all login/logout attempts to Launchpad and changes to users will be written to the AuditLogin and AuditUser tables.- In the server where audit tables will be stored, open the VHT_Audit_Create_Tables.sql script. Find ReplaceAuditDatabaseName and replace with the name of the database that will store the audit logging information.
- In the same file, find all instances of ReplaceVHTConfigDatabaseName and replace with the name of the configuration database. The default is VHT_Config
Create a linked server so that the two servers can share data.
In the VHT_Audit_Create_Tables.sql script, find all instances of ReplaceVHTConfigLinkedServerName and replace with the linked server name.
Continue to step 3.
Find the section denoted by -- If the audit tables exist on the same server as the VHT Config database, uncomment and run this section: and uncomment that section.
- Run the VHT_Audit_Create_Tables.sql script.
- Confirm the tables have been created in the database.
- On the SQL Server where you have installed the configuration database, open the VHT_Audit_Create_Connection.sql script.
- In this file, find ReplaceVHTConfigDatabaseName and replace with the name of the configuration database.
- In this same file, find the following section:
SET @ServerName = N'<PleasePutAuditServerNameHere>'; SET @UserId = N'<PleasePutAuditDatabaseUserIdHere>'; SET @Password = N'<PleasePutAuditDatabaseUsersPasswordHere>'; SET @DatabaseName = N'<PleasePutAuditDatabaseNameHere>';
- Replace each entry within the angle brackets (< >) with the appropriate value for the audit logging database.
SET @ServerName = N'VHT_Audit_Logging_Server'; SET @UserId = N'VHT_Audit_Database_Administrator'; SET @Password = N'Password'; SET @DatabaseName = N'VHT_Audit_Database';
If you are using Windows integrated security, the UserId and Password entries can be blank.- If you are using SQL authentication, find the section -- For SQL Authentication, uncomment and run this section: and uncomment that section.
- If you are using Windows integrated security, find -- For Windows Integrated Security, uncomment and run this section: and uncomment that section.
- Run the VHT_Audit_Create_Connection.sql script.