API bandwidth allocation
What is API Bandwidth allocation?
API bandwidth is the maximum number of API requests that can be successfully made during the specified time period (default is 15 minutes).
Specifying the API Bandwidth section in the license file enables displaying of the API Bandwidth Allocation screen.
For example, the Matrix Company has four business units - W, X, Y, and Z - and has purchased the ability to use 1000 Conversation Bridge requests per 15 minutes. They have chosen to allocate 200 requests to each queue group.
Since all 1000 requests are not allocated to a queue group, the remaining 200 requests fall under the Global Pool. Queue groups configured to use Global Pool, OR queues not assigned a queue group draw requests from this pool.
Enforcement of request maximums occurs on a per queue group basis. For example, if 200 requests have been successfully made to the W group within the specified time period (15 minutes), any further requests are denied until 15 minutes after the creation of the first request.
Scaling mode banner?
A Scaling Mode banner in the UI indicates that a license file containing fewer licenses is currently in use. The Licensing application auto-allocates licenses proportionately based on previous allocation. These numbers can be re-allocated if required.
If a larger license file is currently in use, the surplus licenses reside in the Global Pool.
Requests in Global Pool represent the number of API requests not allocated to a queue group. If the Global Pool checkbox is selected for the API bandwidth queue group request allocation, then the queue group draws its requests from the Global Pool.
Queues not assigned to a queue group also draw requests from the Global Pool.
Deleting a queue group automatically transfer the group's current usage and allocations to the Global Pool.
To allocate requests to queue group:
- Enter the number of API requests for each queue group.
- Select the Global Pool checkbox to use the Global Pool requests.
- Verify that all queue groups handling one or more API requests contain at least one API request.
- Click Save Changes to save the allocation.
- Click Clear Changes to remove unsaved allocations.
When setting the API request allocation of a queue group to a value greater than the current value, the API requests are handled normally.
When setting the API request allocation of a queue group to a value less than the current value when the API request allocation is not exceeded, the API requests are handled normally.
When setting the API request allocation of a queue group to a value less than the current value when the API request allocation is exceeded, the API requests are denied until API requests become available.