(9.1+) Using the Dashboards application
The Dashboards application allows you to view queue statistics for each of the queues in your On-Premise Callback solution. The Dashboards screen is separated into three tabs--Queues, Line Status, and Global Snapshot. Each of these tabs provides a different set of information related to your queue traffic and a customizable range of statistics.
This article covers the Queues tab and the Global Snapshot. In the video and content that follows, you can learn more about the following topics:
- Changing Dashboards views
- Customizing queue statistics
- Filtering queues
- Saving a Perspective
- Accessing additional queue details
- Viewing pending callbacks with Global Snapshot
- Using the Phone Lookup
Changing Dashboards views
Dashboards can be viewed in two ways:
- Card Viewdisplays queue statistics in small, individual modules.
- List Viewdisplays queue statistics in rows and columns.
In either view, you can click the name of any queue to view additional information and detailed graphs of the various queue statistics. In either view, the data will automatically refresh every five seconds.
Click both of the following tabs for more information on each view.
Card View
The Card View displays queue data in individual blocks. By default, each card will include the queue name and the estimated wait time (EWT).
List View
The List View displays data in rows and columns. You can click any column header to sort the data by that column in ascending or descending order.
What you see in List View
Column header: This is the bar at the top of the list containing the column titles. The header row remains fixed at the top as you scroll through the data beneath it.
Rows: Each row shows the Queue Name and EWT by default, as well as any other statistics you have added to the Perspective. Arrows beside the numeric values indicate upward or downward trends.
Customizing queue statistics
Use the following steps to customize the queue statistics included on the Dashboards screen.
- Click the Configure Stats dropdown menu.
- Select or deselect any of the checkboxes in the menu to add or remove the corresponding statistic from your Dashboards Perspective.
- Drag and drop statistics within the dropdown menu to change the order in which they are displayed.
The selected stats will display in both Card View and List View.
Estimated Wait Time (EWT) and Queue Name are always displayed in Card View.
Filtering queues
Use the search bar at the top of the screen to search for a queue by name. The search results will be displayed on the screen even if you switch between the Card View and List View.
The Show All Queues dropdown menu allows you to view all queues at once, or only those which you have designated as starred.
- Select the Only show starred queues checkbox to view only the queues that you have designated with a star.
- Clear the Only show starred queues checkbox to view all queues.
Saving a Perspective
A Perspective consists of selected queues, queue statistics, and the order in which the selected statistics are displayed.
- To limit the number of queues in the Perspective, click the star icon next to the name of each queue to include.
- Then, to view only the queuesyou selected:
- Click Show All Queues at the top of the page.
- Select the Only show starred queues checkbox.
- To select the statisticsyou want to include:
- Click Configure Stats.
- Select the combination of statistics you wish to include.
- Reorder the statistics, if needed.
- Click Save Perspective.
With the Perspective saved, when you return to the Dashboards, the view remains as-set and it does not reset to default.
Accessing additional queue details
Click any queue displayed in Dashboards to view a detailed set of graphs and data, including:
- The queue name
- The Operation Mode status of the queue
- A star if the queue has been selected for easy access
- Queue statistics graphs
- A back arrow button to return to the main Dashboards display
Feature Graph and Detail Graphs
The Feature Graph is the large graph at the top of the screen. By default, this graph displays a six-hour view of the EWT for the selected queue. All graph data automatically refreshes every five minutes.
Detail graphs
Beneath the Feature Graph, a series of smaller graphs display data for every queue statistic over the past two hours.
Click one of the small Detail Graphs to select it as the Feature Graph. The Feature Graph will then switch to your selected data, expanded to a six-hour timeframe.
Users with the appropriate permissions on the server can configure the time span and plot point intervals for the Queue Statistics feature and Detail Graphs in Dashboards. Expand the content below to learn more.
Configure time spans and plot point intervals
Use the following steps to configure the time span and plot point intervals for the queue detail graphs:- Navigate to: \\Program Files (x86)\VirtualHoldTechnology\VirtualHoldPub\dashboards.
- Open the settings.js file using a text editor.
- Search for SampleSize. You will see the code used to configure the settings for both the Feature and Detail Graphs.
- Change the values you wish to update (refer to the guidelines below).
- Save the file.
The graphs will update and display the new information.
Configuration guidelines
Feature Graph default values
- 6 hour view of the data
- graph resolution (newly added plot point) every 5 minutes
Detail Graphs default values
- 2 hour view of the data
- graph resolution (newly added plot point) every 5 minutes
Guidelines for adjusting data
- Use only whole numbers.
- The hour value must be between 1 and 24 hours.
Viewing pending callbacks with Global Snapshot
The Global Snapshot tab displays all pending callback requests, separated into 15-minute intervals.
The following actions can be taken in the Global Snapshot tab.
- Refresh: Updates the data on the screen.
- Cancel All Callbacks: Cancels all pending callbacks at once.
- Cancel Selected Callbacks: Cancels only those callbacks which have been selected.
- CSV Export: Creates a CSV file containing an export of all Global Snapshot data. The same data shown on screen will be included in the exported file.
The following information can be viewed in each row.
Column | Definition |
Phone Number | The customer's callback phone number |
Est. Callback Time |
Call Type | ASAP callback, Appointment, or Retry |
Queue | The On-Premise Callback queue handling the callback |
ID | A unique, system-generated number that identifies each call |
- All Dashboards users can export Global Snapshot data in CSV format, but only Administrators can cancel callbacks from here.
- When the Call Type is Retry, the original quoted callback time displays. Any retries which occurred after the original callback time do not display.
Using the Phone Lookup
The Phone Lookup feature is available from the menu at the bottom of any screen in the Dashboards application.
After searching for a customer phone number, you can see if the number is scheduled for more than one callback, verify that the number was entered correctly, or delete a pending callback if needed.
Search results will populate automatically as you enter a number in the search field. You can view the following details within the search results.
Data point | Definition |
Call type | ASAP callback, Appointment, or Retry |
Phone Number | The customer's callback phone number |
Est. Time | The estimated date and time of the callback for the selected phone number |
Retry time | Displayed if the initial callback fails and a retry attempt is scheduled |
Queue name | The name of the On-Premise Callback queue in which the phone number was found |
ID | A unique, system-generated number used to identify callbacks |