Known issues in On-Premise Callback
In addition to new and updated features, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified.
Known Issues are removed from this page when a fix is implemented in a corresponding release.
If a fix has not yet been implemented, read the Known Issue description for a work-around or a clarification of the issue.
9.5 known issues
Using a sitename or queueId that contains spaces can cause Launchpad users to be redirected to an error message.
On-Premise Callback versions 9.3.2 to 9.5.3 incorrectly handle spaces in the sitename or queueId values passed along as query string parameters to reports and other pages. This can cause users to be redirected to an error page or see incorrect data in reports.
Versions affected: 9.3.2 to 9.5.3
Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:
Use a sitename or queueId that does not contain spaces.
Browse the reports page directly instead of navigating via the Launchpad (For example, http://localhost/EyeQueue/PerformanceReports.aspx).
Upgrade to an unaffected version (9.5.4+)
The 9.5.4 upgrade utility misconfigures two registry keys when On-Premise Callback is installed on a drive other than C.
The updater will configure the location of the vht_stats_api-config.yml and vht_auth_api-config.yml files as the C drive regardless of the true drive letter. The configuration is contained in the following registry keys:
- \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VHT_Statistics\ImagePath
- \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VHT_Authorization\ImagePath
Versions affected: 9.5.4
Workaround: Manually update the values of the affected registry keys as seen below, replacing <drive> with the desired drive letter.
For \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VHT_Statistics\ImagePath:
<drive>:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/vht_stats_api- --config="<drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Dashboard\vht_stats_api-config.yml"
For \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VHT_Authorization\ImagePath:
<drive>:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/vht_auth_api- --config="<drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Dashboard\vht_auth_api-config.yml"
Secure-channel RabbitMQ is not functional in On-Premise Callback 9.5.4.
Secure-channel functionality for RabbitMQ will be restored in a future release.
The config_inserts SQL script cannot be executed without manual updates in this version.
Two lines of the default script must be manually removed before the script will run successfully.
Versions affected: 9.5.4
Workaround: Remove the following lines from the config_inserts.sql script before executing.
(223) EXEC #initializeRow 0, 203;(252) EXEC #initializeRow 12, 203;
Items on the Schedules page of the Configuration UI do not render properly in later versions of the Edge browser.
When using Edge, available Operation Modes do not appear in the Scheduled Events dropdown menus.
Versions affected: 9.5.3+
Workaround: Use a different web browser to view the Schedules page. The Chrome browser has been verified to work properly.
The Interaction Service component fails to initialize RabbitMQ.
This affects organizations using Agent Priority in On-Premise Callback 9.5.0. An issue in this version causes Interaction Service to continually attempt and fail to initialize RabbitMQ.
Versions affected: 9.5.0
For Interaction Service to start, you will need to manually configure the default RabbitMQ username (guest) and password (guest) to the Rabbit section of your appsettings.json file (Virtual Hold Technology\Interaction Service\appsettings.json).
That section by default looks like this:
"Rabbit": { "Host": "localhost", "Port": 5672, "Exchange": "vht_call_exchange", "ExchangeType": "fanout" }
Modify that section to look like this:
"Rabbit": { "Host": "localhost", "Port": 5672, "Exchange": "vht_call_exchange", "ExchangeType": "fanout", "Username": "guest", "Password": "" }
The password will need to be encrypted. To do this, you will need the Password Encryptor app (Virtual Hold Technology\SmartRulesEngine\PasswordEncryptor). Run the Password Encryptor and enter "guest" as your password. Encrypt and copy the result to the password field of your appsettings.json file.
Your final Rabbit section should look something like this:
"Rabbit": { "Host": "localhost", "Port": 5672, "Exchange": "vht_call_exchange", "ExchangeType": "fanout", "Username": "guest", "Password": "ZsbeG4YJXa2nAwirFNqseg==" }
9.3 known issues
183104996 & 183280340 | A memory leak affecting TIAL ICM environments can cause system failure. TIAL ICM environments using ECC variables can experience a memory leak within the cti_connector_host process. This memory leak can eventually overwhelm the process, causing delays in processing and eventually causing it to halt. Workaround: Restart Core Monitor periodically to release the leaked memory. We ultimately recommend upgrading to a version of On-Premise Callback containing a resolution. Versions affected: 9.0 to 9.3.3 (resolution is available in 9.2.4) |
181780680 | Installing On-Premise Callback to a non-standard location can cause startup failures in a specific scenario. If the software is installed to a directory that does not contain the text "Virtual Hold Technology", QueueManager will be unable to load the appropriate TIAL DLL for the integration. The installation will appear successful but startup will fail. Workaround: Uninstall On-Premise Callback and reinstall the software to a supported path that contains "Virtual Hold Technology". Versions affected: 9.2.0 and higher |
181311089 | When an installation is configured for SSL, is not possible to invoke web service methods remotely through pages hosted in IIS. This applies to PTK methods listed on the methodlist.aspx page and any other web services hosted in IIS. To invoke these methods directly (for testing or validation), you must do so on the host server using the server's loopback address. This means that any attempt to directly invoke web service methods via IIS from a remote server will produce 404 errors. Note that this does not affect the use of web services and PTK methods in general, but only the invocation of these methods directly from IIS on a remote server. API calls are not affected. This also does not affect installations not utilizing SSL. Workaround: (Not recommended) It is possible to allow remote invocation by updating the IIS binding to *, but that would introduce a security vulnerability. Versions affected: 9.2 and higher |
179580948 | An issue with the OpMode Server component can cause the normal operation mode schedule to override the holiday operation mode schedule in a specific scenario. If the OpMode Server component is restarted after a scheduled holiday operation mode change is configured, it is possible for the normal (non-holiday) operation mode schedule to override the configured holiday schedule. This is not intended, as the holiday schedule should always take precedence over the normal schedule. Workaround: None Versions affected: 9.3.0 and earlier |
180187318 | Holding calls can appear to be stuck in the Dashboards UI in a specific scenario. A rare case can cause QueueManager to receive updated call data without an External Tracking ID (combination of RouterCallDay|RouterCallKey) after certain identifiers have been assigned to the call. When this happens, QueueManager incorrectly removes RouterCallDay|RouterCallKey values, which causes the call status not to be updated when answered. This results in calls appearing to be stuck in the Dashboards UI without being cleared. Versions affected: All Workaround: Contact the VHT Support team for assistance in removing the call records. The Support team will require logs containing the relevant RouterCallDay|RouterCallKey. |
179222930 | An issue with the default configuration for RabbitMQ in the VHT_Config database can cause RabbitMQ to discard messages rather than ingesting them in a specific scenario. The default value of the EnableCallDataFeed system variable (TRUE) assumes that the Callback installation uses Enterprise Pulse, Hybrid Cloud Connector, or Agent Priority. If none of these components are used, this configuration can cause a buildup of RabbitMQ index files (.idx) that consume storage space unnecessarily. Workaround for new installations: Execute the DB installation scripts manually (located at \\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\SQL Server Database Installation Scripts by default), then ensure that EnableCallDataFeed is set to TRUE (VHT_Config DB > SystemVariables table). Workaround for upgrades: Check the value of the EnableCallDataFeed system variable and set it to FALSE if it is not already. You can use the SQL query below to check the value:
If EnableCallDataFeed is not present in the SystemVariables table, add it into the table with a value of FALSE and restart QueueManager for the change to take effect. Versions affected: 9.1 to 9.2.3 |
179559585 | OpMode Server processing normal SchedOps on day with HolidayScheduleIf the OpMode Server has been restarted after the time a Scheduled Holiday OpMode was scheduled to begin, a normal scheduled operation can override the Holiday OpMode.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.10 and later |
179363952 | If IVG does not send a BYE after a REFER, the REFER never completesWhen using IVG (Interactive Voice Gateway) with On-Premise Callback and the HVP-13006 BYE is not sent out after a REFER, a disconnect is executed after redirect. CallControl will not send a BYE message immediately after the REFER (for redirection) was accepted (202 Accepted response). Instead, call control waited until the end of the session to send the BYE message.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:When using IVG 5.0 and 5.1 with On-Premise Callback |
179323919 | VH_GetVars app gateway failing in TIAL_ICM integrationsAn issue occurs when a 64-bit pointer is being passed to a 32-bit TIAL application. This causes an invalid memory address and an Invalid Address exception.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:9.0 through 9.2 |
172391421 | Incorrect final fate for Max No Answer calls in CIC environments In CIC environments, when an ASAP callback fails due to no answer from the customer, an unknown disposition is received from CIC. Because of this, the call is assigned a final fate of Q9 - Max Try Again, rather than the expected Q6 - Max No Answer. Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.5.0 or later |
137735415 | Installation fails when server name not in the configuration file:On-Premise Callbackinstallation fails and exits, without notification, when trying to install on a server whose exact name does not appear in the configuration file.Workaround:Check that the installation server name is listed correctly in the configuration file.Versions affected:8.5.0 or later |
119099195 | OpMode server port not updated on server:During On-Premise Callback installation, configuring the OpMode server to use a custom port (other than 9100) correctly updates the registry however the server still incorrectly uses the default port of 9100.Workaround:Also update the VHT_OperationModeServer_Console.exe.config file on all Core servers to use the custom port number.Versions affected:8.4.0 or later |
166641374 | Multiple callback requests in CVP VIS:CVP VIS systems utilizing Dialogic HMP have trouble transferring calls when there are multiple callbacks requested to the same number.Workaround: Versions 8.6 - 8.10.3: Set Callback Double Check -Scope to Global Versions 8.10.4 or later: Set Callback Double Check -Where to Check for Duplicates to All Queues Versions affected:All |
136214155 | Real-Time adapters do not pass values to QueueManager:On start or restart of the real-time adapters, they do not pass their initialization values to QueueManager causing it to use system default values.Workaround:Change at least one real-time adapter value triggering a download of adapter values to QueueManager.Versions affected:All |
128078499 | ModifyInteractionData allows invalid numbers:Improper validation in Platform Toolkit (PTK) request ModifyInteractionData allows invalid numbers to be dialed.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:All |
173069417 | In TSAPI environments where QueueManager has AgentGroups configured to collect real-time stats, QueueManager would unexpectedly restart.Workaround:Configure the TSAPI Real-Time adapter to collect the stats. See Configuring Avaya TSAPI Real-Time adapter for more information.Versions affected:9.0.0 or later |
160413799 | Report data lag:Report data does not immediately display after a new installation.Workaround:Refresh the page to view Report data.Versions affected:8.10.3 or later |
155517381 | System Management shows Notification Client as stopped when a Core Instance is stopped:After stopping a core instance component from System Management, the Notification Client log correctly shows the component as stopped. However, it also incorrectly shows Queue Manager and CTI Manager as being stopped. While System Management accurately displays the status of monitored components at all times, this log condition remains even after starting the component or restarting the core instance.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.10.1 or later |
154146285 | RabbitMQ failover causes unknown state:Components on all instances in the On-Premise Callback system display in an unknown state (red question mark) in System Management when RabbitMQ on the Primary Management instance (first instance to receive Core instance messages) fails or is stopped. Since an automatic failover to the Backup Core instance is not triggered, a manual failover is usually initiated. If the failed RabbitMQ is then restarted, all components display the correct state except those that should be in the stopped state. They instead display in an unknown state.Workaround:Delete all received heartbeat messages from the failed RabbitMQ before it is restarted.Versions affected:8.7.0 or later |
161213209 | Microsoft Word does not display data:The Return Call Phone Numbers and Unsuccessful Return Calls by Area Code reports do not display data in the Microsoft Word format.Workaround:View the reports in .PDF format.Versions affected:8.5.0 or later |
144935715 | Internet Explorer does not render saved Perspectives:When using a saved Perspective bookmark in Dashboards repeatedly, a rendering error occurs in Internet Explorer and remains for the session. Chrome, Edge, and Firefox silently log the error with no visible impact.Workaround:Close and reopen the browser.Versions affected:8.5.0 or later |
115718747 | Web monitor service stops:When connection between RabbitMQ and the Web monitor services is lost or interrupted, the Web monitor service is stopped incorrectly. As a result, the Web monitor service cannot restart.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.4.0 or later |
123118671 | Cisco UCCX and IIS:In systems using Cisco UCCX when IIS is not available, incoming calls experience a silence of about 1.5 minutes.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.3.0 or later |
96012724 | Launchpad errors with SQL database connectivity:When Management Instances recover SQL database connectivity, Launchpad users may see an error message indicating they are not logged into the application.Workaround:On Management Instances, stop the VHT Authorization Service, open Task Manager and stop all ruby.exe processes with VHTAuthAPIService referenced in the Command Line. Start the Authorization Service.Versions affected:8.3.0 or later |
76269854 | HTTPS communication:VHT Authorization service and VHT Statistics service do not communicate with other components over HTTPS.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.0.5 or later |
130827591 | Service does not stop when Ruby running another process:When a user tries to stop running VHT Agent Priority service, VHT Authorization service, or VHT Statistics service while Ruby is in the middle of another process, the service does not stop running.Workaround:Open Task Manager and stop the ruby.exe *32 process.Versions affected:8.0.0 or later |
124116311 | Cisco Peripheral ID:In Cisco integrations where an IVR extension name and the associated peripheral ID are identical, the peripheral is added to the internal device map but is not set to ready when the On-Premise Callback system starts up. This prevents the CTI connector from starting.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:8.0.0 or later |
83848770 | Incorrect prompt in GlobalCall IVR with AMD:In GlobalCall IVR, upon answering machine detection during final callback attempt, the incorrect prompt is played and indicates another callback will be attempted even though the number of Max Total Attempts was reached.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:7.6 or later |
86795126 | Incomplete call data in SPIAL CIM:In SPIAL CIM environments, Queue Manager transfers the call to the callback queue before screen pop data is successfully attached to the call. As a result, incomplete call data is displayed to the agent.Workaround:NoneVersions affected:7.6 or later |