Queue groups

To reserve license availability for related business functions or departments group multiple queues together. The queue groups partition licenses assigned to them on the voice allocation screen.

Until assigned to a queue group, Unassigned Queues lists the queues configured during Configuring queues in the Configuration Wizard or in Configuration management . Queues not assigned to a queue group remain in Unassigned Queues.

Creating a queue group

To create a queue group:

  • Click the Create Group button to display the create queue group modal.
  • Enter a queue group name that is unique to the site.


Unicode characters are not supported, and any Unicode characters in queue group names are converted to a tilde (~).

  • Click Save to save the queue group; OR click Close or x to exit without saving.

Create Queue Group

Renaming queue groups

To rename a queue group:

  • Select a queue group from the queue group list.
  • Update the current queue group name.
  • Click to save the new queue group name OR click to return to the previous queue group name without renaming.

Adding queues to a queue group

To add a queue to a queue group:

  • Select a queue group from the queue group list.
  • Click the Add Queue button to display the Add a Queue modal.
  • Select available queues from the list; OR type a queue name in the search bar to filter queues.

Adding multiple queues at the same time is possible.

  • Click Save to save the queues to the queue group; OR click Close to close exit without saving.

Queues may only be added to one queue group.

Deleting a queue group

To delete a queue group:

  • Select a queue group from the queue group list.
  • Click the Delete Group button.
  • When the message, "Are you sure you would like to delete this group? Queues associated to this group will be returned to the Global Group", click Yes to delete the queue group; OR click NO to exit without deleting the group.
  • Queues from the deleted queue group are moved to Unassigned Queues under Queue Groups.
  • Deleting a queue group adds the associated feature enablements, voice allocations, and API bandwidth allocations to the Global Group.
  • Deleting all queue groups, not counting Global Pool, transfers the system from scaling mode, if active, to normal operation.

Removing a queue from a queue group

  • Select a queue group from the queue groups list. The queues in the queue group display in the scrollable queues list to the right.
  • Select the queues to remove from the queue group by selecting the checkbox next to the queue name. Multiple queues may be selected at a time.
  • Click the Remove Selected button to remove the queues from the queue group.

Deleting a queue from a group moves the queue back to Unassigned Queues.