Voice allocation

Before you start

Create queue groups to allocate voice licenses to. For details on how to do this, see the Queue Groups topic.

What is voice allocation?

Voice licenses are first set as either inbound or outbound, and then further allocated to queue groups.

For example, the Globex Company has four business units - Sales, Support, Marketing, and Collections - and has purchased 600 voice licenses. They have chosen to use 300 voice licenses for inbound treatment and 300 voice licenses for outbound treatment. The licenses have been further allocated to the following queue groups:

  • 100 inbound and 150 outbound to the Support queue group
  • 50 inbound and 50 outbound to the Marketing queue group
  • 100 inbound and 50 outbound to the Sales queue group
  • Collections queue set to use Global Group for inbound and outbound

Since all 600 voice licenses are not allocated to a queue group, the remaining 50 inbound and 50 outbound licenses fall under the Global Pool. Groups allocated to Use Global for inbound or outbound, OR queues not assigned a queue group draw licenses from this pool.


License maximums are enforced on a per queue group basis. For example, if the Sales queue group has checked out all 50 of their outbound licenses, they can no longer make callbacks until licenses are checked back in.

Scaling mode banner?

A Scaling Mode banner in the UI indicates that a license file containing fewer licenses is currently in use. The Licensing application auto-allocates licenses proportionately based on previous allocation. These numbers can be re-allocated if required.

If a larger license file is currently in use, the surplus licenses reside in the Global Pool.

Licenses in Global Pool represent the number of licenses not allocated to a queue group. If the Global Pool checkbox is selected for the inbound or outbound queue group license allocation, then the queue group draws its licenses from the Global Pool.

Queues not assigned to a queue group also draw licenses from the Global Pool.

Voice licenses default to 70% inbound and 30% outbound if no configuration exists.

To set inbound and outbound voice licenses:

  • Click the pencil icon to access the voice license allocation modal.
  • Use the slider bar to adjust the number of inbound and outbound licenses.; OR enter a number for inbound or outbound licenses.
  • Click Save.

After a number is entered into the inbound or outbound field, the other number adjusts accordingly. For example, if a site is entitled for 600 licenses and inbound is set to 300, the outbound field automatically adjusts to 300.


If additional licenses were purchased with only outbound capabilities, the license count displays beneath the outbound license field. Any additional license allocated as outbound are will be in addition to the outbound only licenses. For example, if 150 outbound only licenses were purchased, and 300 licenses were designated as outbound, the total outbound license count would be 450.

When Enterprise Licensing is purchased, voice licenses are unlimited. License usage caps can be set for this licensing model by entering an integer value for Inbound, Outbound, or both.

If entitled for Enterprise Licensing, the slider bar will be disabled by default.

After licenses have been set as inbound or outbound, allocate licenses to queue group.

  • Enter the number of inbound and outbound licenses for each queue group.
    • Select the Global Pool checkbox to use the Global Pool licenses.
  • Verify that all queue groups containing one or more inbound licenses also include at least one outbound license.

For all queue groups, allocation of one or more inbound licenses requires allocation of at least one outbound license. When not adding an outbound license, an error message displays and the outbound allocation is outlined in red when attempting to save the queue group changes. This indicates insufficient outbound licenses.

  • Click Save Changes to save the allocation.
  • Click Clear Changes to remove unsaved allocations.

A modal prompting a redirect to the Feature enablement screen displays when saving queue group allocations.

Click Yes, go now to go to the Feature enablement page, and turn license features on and off for a queue group OR click No, I'll do it later to exit the modal, and access the Feature enablement screen at a later time.

Inbound and outbound calls function normally when:

  • Setting the inbound or outbound license allocation of a queue group to a value greater than the current value
  • Setting setting the inbound or outbound license allocation of a queue group to a value less than the current when all the inbound or outbound licenses are not in use

Inbound calls are diverted to the hold queue, waiting for an agent to answer, when:

  • Setting the inbound license allocation of a queue group to a value less than the current value when all inbound licenses are in use

This behavior continues until inbound licenses become available.

Outbound calls are continually retried, and not launched until an outbound license is available, when:

  • Setting the outbound license allocation of a queue group to a value less than the current value when all outbound licenses are in use.

Currently enabled features generate an error when:

  • Setting the inbound or outbound voice allocations of a group to a value that invalidates the features. ON/OFF switches outlined in red mark invalidated features.