Licensing alerts and email notifications

Licensing alerts provide a visual notification or email alerts when:

  • A license file is approaching expiration
  • A license file has expired

Configure the frequency of the alerts in Notifications and Alerts in Configuration.

Licensing user interface alerts

The Days Between Alerts - License Expiringvariable determines the frequency of UI alerts for license file expiration. When the license file expires, license file expiration alerts display in the user interface everyday until application of an active license file.

To configure licensing user interface alerts:

  • Navigate to Configuration > System Settings > Notifications and Alerts.
  • Set Days Between Alerts - Licensing Expiring to the number of days before license expiration on which alerts should be displayed.
  • Sets the frequency for UI alerts for a license file's expiration.
  • Enter numbers in a comma-separated list.
  • When the the smallest number of days in the list is reached, the UI generates an alert every day until the license file has expired, OR a new license file has been uploaded.
  • After the license file expires, an expired user interface alert displays that day and every day after that until application of a new, valid license file.

Valid: 1 - 999

Defaults: 30,60,90

  • Click Save Changes.

Licensing email notifications

The Days Between Emails - License has Expiredvariable determines how frequency an email is generated to warn of license expiration.

To configure licensing file expiration email notifications:

  • Navigate to System Management > Notifications.
  • Type the email address in the email field, and click Add.
  • Select the License file expiration check box.
  • Click OK.
  • Navigate to Configuration > System Settings > Notifications and Alerts.
  • Set Email Notification Frequency - License Expiring to the number of days before license expiration on which emails should be sent.
  • Sets the frequency for email alerts for a license file's expiration.
  • Enter numbers in a comma-separated list.
  • When the the smallest number of days in the list is reached, an email-generated alert is sent every day until the license file has expired, OR a new license file has been uploaded.
  • After the license file expires, an expired user interface alert displays that day and every day after that until application of a new, valid license file.

Valid: 1 - 999

Defaults: 1,7,30,60,90

  • Set Days Between Emails - Licensing has Expired to the sending frequency of license file expiration emails after the license file expires.
How often license expired email notifications are sent AFTER the license file expires.

Valid: 1 - 999

Default: 1

  • Click Save Changes.