(9.1+) View Rules

The Rules tab in Smart Rules displays a list of available and active rules for your Mindful Enterprise Callback system. Let's take a look at what you can do from this screen.

View rule activity

You can view the rule detail and activity for each rule available and/or active for your system.

viewing rule activity

  1. Name - Name of the rule. You can click the rule name to see a detailed view of the If/Then logic applied to the rule.
  2. Rule - If/Then logic required for the rule to be triggered.
  3. Queues - Queues the rule is targeted for.
  4. Last Run - Timestamp when the rule was last triggered. If the rule has not been triggered, Not triggered displays.
  5. Active - Displays as green if the rule is currently active; displays as grey if the rule is currently inactive.
  6. Actions - Edit or delete the rule.

Modify rule activity

You can also interact with the Rules for your system.

modifying rule activity

  1. Add rule - Click +Add Rule to be taken to a blank If/Then syntax builder to add a new rule.
  2. Search - Type a rule name in the search bar to locate a rule.
  3. Activate visible - Click Activate visible to activate all the visible rules on the page.
  4. Deactivate visible - Click Deactivate visible to deactivate all the visible rules on the page.