(9.1+) Installing Smart Rules

Great news - Smart Rules is installed with On-Premise Callback version 9.1 or later. You can begin using Smart Rules immediately by clicking on the Smart Rules icon in the Launchpad. However, one configuration step must be performed after installation with On-Premise Callback 9.1.Configure SMTP to receive emailsYou will need to configure your SMTP server to receive emails from Smart Rules.Open the SmtpConfig table in the VHT_Config database and fill out the following fields:
  • SiteName
  • Host name: SMTP server
  • Port: SMTP server
  • UseSSL: secure connection option
  • UserName: Not required
  • Password: Not required
Creating a secure passwordIf you choose to use a password, you will need to secure your password to send emails. You can encrypt your SMTP password using the following steps:
  • Open the Password Encryptor in the Smart Rules engine folder.
  • Enter a password.
  • Click the Encrypt button.
  • The encrypted password displays in the Encrypted Results field.
  • Click the Copy to Clipboard for the Encrypted Results field to copy the encrypted password.
  • Add this password to SmtpConfig table in the Configuration database.
  • Save the configuration file.
  • Restart Smart Rules to apply the changes
password encryptor
Post-installation stepsIn Callback 9.1 and earlier, the Smart Rules Windows service is not configured with quotation marks ("") around the path to the executable. To avoid potential security issues, we recommend updating the executable path after installation via the following process:
  • Open the Windows Services utility (services.msc)
  • Locate the VHT Smart Rules Engine service and open the service Properties window
  • Copy and save the Service name
    • Default: VHT_Smart_Rules_Engine
  • Copy and save the Path to executable
    • Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\SmartRulesEngine\VHT_SmartRulesEngineService.exe
  • Open a Command Prompt window
  • Run the following command to use the Service Control utility to change the Path to executable:
sc config <service name> binPath= "\"<path to executable>\""
  • There must be a space between binPath= and the executable path.
  • Escape characters (\") must be used to add the quotation marks, since quotation marks are already used in the command.
The following example shows the required command with default values:
sc config VHT_Smart_Rules_Engine binPath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\SmartRulesEngine\VHT_SmartRulesEngineService.exe\""
When complete, you should see the following message printed to the screen:
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
  • Re-open the properties window for the Smart Rules Engine service and verify that the Path to executable is now enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Restart the Smart Rules Engine service
Check out the rest of the Smart Rules documentation to learn how to enable rules for your organization.