Logging for OCC IVG Avaya
OCC logs, by default located at (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/Outbound Contact Client/logs, contain information relating to OCC startup, registration, callback initiation, and HTTP CreateSession requests and responses. The log levels and paths can be configured by modifying the Peripheral Monitor site.config file.
Configuring logs
OCC logs are configured to write to the paths and levels specified in the site.config file which resides in the OCC working directory.
- OCC log file paths configured in the site.config file require the use of forward slashes.
- When manually configuring the the site.config file, save the file when finished and restart the VHT® software Outbound Contact Client Service.
Log Levels
The lager_file_backed parameter values in the OCC site.config file can be changed to increase or decrease the log levels for each log file type.
The following log levels are available:
- info - information level logging. Includes high-level operational events.
- error - error level logging. Includes info level logs and all error events.
- debug - debug level logging. Includes info level, error level, and all low-level operational events
The highlighted syntax in the site.config file sample below indicates where the log level can be changed:
Log paths
In the sample below, the lager_file_backend parameter values indicate that two types of log files will be written:
- The error.log will write at the error level to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Outbound Contact Client\log\error.log
- The occ.log will write at the info level to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Outbound Contact Client\log\occ.log
In the sample below, the lager_file_backend parameter values indicate three types of log files that will be written:
- The occ.log will write at the info level to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\Logs\Outbound Contact Client\occ.log
- The error.log will write at the error level to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\Logs\Outbound Contact Client\error.log
- The debug.log will write at the debug level to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\Logs\Outbound Contact Client\debug.log
Log levels
The lager_file_backed parameter values in the OCC site.config file can be changed to increase or decrease the log levels for each log file type.
The following log levels are available:
- info - information level logging. Includes high-level operational events.
- error - error level logging. Includes info level logs and all error events.
- debug - debug level logging. Includes info level, error level, and all low-level operational events
The highlighted syntax in the site.config file sample below indicates where the log level can be changed:
Logging for OCC IVG (Avaya)
The following log samples are from the occ.log file, and are written at the info level. They represent the essential operational events for registering the IVR, OCC startup, and callback processing.
Register IVR
The OCC verifies QueueManager is up and running before trying to register the IVR. Search "queue_manager_node" to locate these events.
- The OCC verifies QueueManager is up and running before trying to register the IVR.
- OCC registers the IVR.
Startup and Registration
Search "started" to find the OCC startup and registration process events.
- The internal OCC applications start on the same node.
- The ErlangAppController starts the vht_outbound_contact_client.
- The configuration attributes from the site.config file are read in as Environment Variables.
- QMCL opens a socket between OCC and QueueManager.
- The ErlangAppController receives a message from the SystemManagement page to stop the vht_outbound_contact_client.
- ErlangAppController receives a message from the SystemManagement page to start the vht_outbound_contact_client.
- The configuration attributes from the site.config file are read in as Environment Variables.
- QMCL opens a socket between OCC and QueueManager.
Callback Initiation
Search "initiate_callback" or "starting callback" to locate a VH CallID received from QueueManager in the occ.log files.
- OCC receives a callback request from QueueManager containing the VH CallID and QueueID for the callback.
- OCC requests and receives from QueueManager the segment associated with the VH CallID. The Segment and QueueID are used to select the IVR platform connections for issuing HTTP CreateSession requests.
- OCC sends acknowledgement to QueueManager that the callback request has been received.
- OCC requests and receives the Outbound IVR variables for the VH CallID received from QueueManager.
- OCC informs QueueManager that an outbound line is being seized to progress the state of the callback request.
HTTP CreateSession Request and Response
Search "attempting connection" or "outdial_url" to locate the HTTP CreateSession request process in the occ.log files.
- OCC uses an out dial connection from a connection list designated in the site.config file to issue an HTTP CreateSession request to the IVR platform web service.
- The HTTP result code 200 "OK" is returned to OCC within HTTP request timeout periods indicating the connection and request to the IVR platform web service succeeded.
- OCC receives an HTTP POST for the status of the attempted callback within the disposition timeout period.
Search for "callback connected" to find callbacks that were successfully dialed in the occ.log files.
- OCC parses and maps the body of the HTTP POST to a callback disposition for the VH CallID and informs QueueManager that the callback was successfully connected.
- OCC cleans up the VH CallID from its pending list of callbacks.
Starting and Stopping Erlang Application
Search "erlang_app" to locate stopping and starting erlang application logs.