Reference: OCC UCCX Configuration Samples


Initial configuration occurs during the OCC Setup step of VHT Callback® installation. Modify the contents of the vht_outbound_contact_client portion of the Peripheral Monitor site.config to configure OCC post-installation.

Redundant Connection Configuration

OCC issues HTTP requests to trigger outbound voice callbacks using the first of two IVR platform connections defined in a redundant_connection list.


After modifying the site.config file, save it and restart the VHT Outbound Contact Client to initialize the new configuration.

The following sample shows the contents of the vht_outbound_contact_client portion of the Peripheral Monitor site.config file for a UCCX dialer type plugin configured for a single IVR platform connection.

{vht_outbound_contact_client, [ {voice_platform, uccx_plugin}, {queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds, 15}, {ivr_group_name, "GroupName1"}, {ivr_server_name, "server1"}, {ivr_port_send_interval_ms, 2000}, {disposition_url, ""}, {disposition_timeout, 55000}, {default_connection_attributes, [ {outdial_http_options, [ {timeout, 5000}, {connect_timeout, 5000} ] } ] }, {redundant_connections, [ {outdial_url, ""}, {outbound_dn, "4008060"}, {vis_request_url, ""}, {platform_toolkit_url, "http://localhost/VHTPlatformWS-v4"} ] } ]}

The following example shows the contents of the vht_outbound-contact_client section of the Peripheral Monitor site.config file for a UCCX dialer type plugin configured for two IVR platform connections.


After modifying the site.config file, save it and restart the VHT Outbound Contact Client to initialize the new configuration.

{vht_outbound_contact_client, [ {voice_platform, uccx_plugin}, {queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds, 15}, {ivr_group_name, "GroupName1"}, {ivr_server_name, "server1"}, {ivr_port_send_interval_ms, 2000}, {disposition_url, ""}, {disposition_timeout, 55000}, {default_connection_attributes, [ {outdial_http_options, [ {timeout, 5000}, {connect_timeout, 5000} ] } ] }, {redundant_connections, [ {outdial_url, ""}, {outbound_dn, "4008060"}, {vis_request_url, ""}, {platform_toolkit_url, "http://localhost/VHTPlatformWS-v4"} ], [ {outdial_url, ""}, {outbound_dn, "4008060"}, {vis_request_url, http:}, {platform_toolkit_url, "http://localhost/VHTPlatformWS-v4"} ] } ]}