Enterprise Pulse filters

Filters define what messages Enterprise Pulse sends to the SNMP manager. Filters fall into three categories:

  • Call identifiers
  • Call variables
  • Call states

Filters are added as part of Enterprise Pulse configuration.

Want to receive messages for all events?

To receive messages for all events, use the filter value "all"

Call identifiers

Call Identifiers are information that is stored on each call.

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
ACD Call ID"ACDCALLID"The call identifier received from the CTI Event from the switch.
Application ID"ApplicationId"SubType from the CTI Event or Segment from a Conversation Bridge call.
Callback Queue ID"Callback Queue Id"The Callback Queue ID a call is transferred to when being sent to queue.
Call ID"CallId"The call identifier generated by QueueManager when the call was created.
Callback Doublecheck Completed Call ID"CBDC Completed CallId"The call ID associated with the ASAP call waiting in queue that is about to launch. This call ID is saved along with the original call ID.
Callback Doublecheck Original Call ID"CBDC Original CallId"The call ID initially associated with an ASAP callback. This call ID is associated with the callback double check (CBDC) call ID.
CBQ Conn ID"CBQCONNID"The Genesys connection ID associated to the call when placed in the callback queue.
Consultation Ref ID"Consultation RefId"The ICM reference ID that is created if the call was a consultation or transferred.
Country ID"Country Id"The country identifier from the Incoming Extension table.
External Tracking ID"External Tracking Id"The External Tracking ID associated with the call.
Genesys UCID"Genesys UCID"The Genesys Universal Call ID created by Genesys.
ICM VRU Call ID"ICMVRUCallID"A sequential number to track calls in the VRU.
ICM VRU Peripheral ID"ICMVRUPeripheralID"The VRU Peripheral ID associated with the call.
ICM VRU Service ID"ICMVRUServiceID"The VRU Service ID for the call.
ICM VRU Trunk Group ID"ICMVRUTrunkGroupID"The VRU truck group associated with the call
Internal Queue ID"Internal QueueId"A sequential number assigned to each queue, and then assigned to each call in that queue.
IVR ID"IVRID"The IVR Group the call was sent to for treatment.
License GUID for Inbound Call"License GUID for Inbound Call"The license GUID returned from the license server when requesting an inbound license.
License GUID for Outbound Call"License GUID for Outbound Call"The license GUID returned from the license server when requesting an outbound license.
Outbound IVR Conn ID"OBIVRCONNID"The Genesys Connection ID from IVR off hook event.
Queue ID"QueueId"The Queue on which the call was created.
Ref ID"RefId"The reference ID received from the CTI event when the call was created. This is either sequential or generated from the switch.
Transferred Ref ID"Transferred RefId"In Aspect systems, the old reference ID when a call was transferred.
Universal Call ID"Universal CallID"The Universal Call ID (UCID) generated from the switch.
Universally Unique Identifier"Universally Unique Identifier"The Genesys UCID created by Genesys.
Virtual Call Conn ID"Virtual Call ConnID"The Virtual Call Connection Identifier used with Genesys Preview Callback.

Call variables

When QueueManager receives a call, it stores information it needs to correctly process the call through the system as call variables. Most call variables are automatically assigned, and some are updated using Platform ToolKit.

Initial call variables

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
Refer To Header"ReferToHeader"The SIP Refer to Header information from the PTK request.
Operation Mode"OpMode"The Operation Mode of the queue when the call is created.
Callback Offered Days"Callback_Offered_Days"The days a callback can be offered when the call is in the IVR.
Monitored Call"Monitored Call"Marks the call for monitoring only.
Queue Group"QueueGroup"The queue group this call is in.
Site Name"SiteName"The SiteName the call was created on.
Queue Name"QueueName"The queue name for the call.
Callback Queue Transfer Device"Callback Queue Transfer Device"The transfer location of the call when transferred to queue from the IVR.
Callback Value"Callback Value"The CallbackValue from the IncomingApplications table on the call.
Callback Variable"Callback Variable"The CallbackVariable to use for the Callback Value.
Holding Queue Route Device"Holding Queue Route Device"The location of the call when routed to the holding queue.
Holding Queue Transfer Device"Holding Queue Transfer Device"Where to send the call if the call is being transferred to the holding queue from the IVR
UnderThreshold Queue Route Device"UnderThreshold Queue Route Device"Where to route the call if the call is underthreshold.
UnderThreshold Queue Transfer Device"UnderThreshold Queue Transfer Device"Where to transfer the call if the call is underthreshold.
Holding Queue Tracker"Holding QueueTracker"The name of the HoldingQueueTracker on the call.
Callback Queue Tracker"Callback QueueTracker"The name of the CallbackQueueTracker on the call.
UnderThreshold QueueTracker"UnderThreshold QueueTracker"The name of the UnderThreshold QueueTracker on the call.
Number Of Abandons"Number Of Abandons"The number of times the callback was abandoned after answering.
Number Of Hold Calls"Number Of Hold Calls"The number of hold calls in the queue when the EWT was calculated.
EWT No Rounding"EWT NoRounding"The initial calculated EWT for the call before upper and lower adjustments.
Latest Callback Launch Time"Latest Callback Launch Time"The latest time the callback will be launched using Dynamic Priority.
Earliest Callback Launch Time"Earliest Callback Launch Time"The earliest time the callback will be launched using Dynamic Priority.
EWT"EWT"The EWT for call. This is the Lower EWT after adjustment.
Upper EWT"Upper EWT"The upper EWT calculated after adjustments are made.
Projected Agent Answer Time"Projected Agent Answer Time"The projected time the the callback will be answered by an agent. This is based on the calculated EWT, and the current time when the callback was selected.
Upper Projected Agent Answer Time"Upper Projected Agent Answer Time"The upper time the agent is expected to answer the callback.
Lower Projected Agent Answer Time"Lower Projected Agent Answer Time"The earliest projected time the call is projected to be connected to an agent.
Internal EWT"Internal EWT"The calculated EWT from Virtual Hold.
External EWT"External EWT"The EWT from an External Source.
Pilot Number"Pilot Number"The pilot number stored on the call. This could be a DeviceId or DialedNumber
Agent Priority Result"Agent Priority Result"The success or failure result on whether or not the agent answered an Agent Priority call.
Transfer Device"Transfer Device"The location of where to transfer the call.
Route Device"Route Device"

The location of where to route the call during the routing decision.

  • IVR
  • Holding\Undertheshold queue.
Application Data"ApplicationData"N/A
Third Party Interaction Data"Third Party Interaction Data"The third party data on the call.
Agents Staffed"AgentsStaffed"The number of agents staffed when call was created
ANI Validation Result"ANI Validation Result"

The result of checking the ANI when call was received.

  • 0-Success
  • 1-CBDC
  • 2-Failed
ANI"ANI"The ANI received when the call entered the system.
Country Code"Country Code"The Country Code of the caller from the Country Code table. This is linked ot the CountryId in the Incoming Extension table.
Dial Prefix"Dial Prefix"The Dial Prefix needed for the outbound call. This value is saved based on the Country Code of the caller, or set using PTK.
Dial Suffix"Dial Suffix"The Dial Suffix needed for the outbound call. This value is saved based on the Country Code of the caller, or set using PTK .
DNIS"DNIS"The called party on the call.
HMP OB IVR Transfer DN"HMPOBIVRTransferDN"The HMP Outbound IVR Transfer Device on the call.
Remote Application Data"RemoteApplicationData"The user data saved from a remote application for the call.
Remote Application Data Requested"RemoteApplicationDataRequested"Set to true if the remote application data for the call was requested.
Restoring Call"Restoring Call"The value is popluated when restoring a call, and cleared after the call has been restored.
Script Number"ScriptNumber"The scriptnumber from the incoming extension or application table
Smart Route Result"Smart Route Result"The reason the call was routed using Smart Route.
SPIAL UserData"SPIAL UserData"The user data returned from screen pop adapter that is saved on the call.
Transfer IB IVR Group"Transfer IB IVR Group"The inbound IVR group from the IncomingExtension for the call.
Transfer OB IVR Group"Transfer OB IVR Group"The outbound IVR group from the IncomingExtension table for the call.

Aspect specific values

Variable nameFilter nameDescription
Main Trunk"Main Trunk"The trunk the call is on.
Mode Status"Mode Status"The mode the queue was in when the call was created.
Queue Mode"Queue Mode"The mode the queue was in when the call was created.
Var Data A"VarDataA"Variable A from the CTI for the call.
Var Data B"VarDataB"Variable B from the CTI for the call.
Var Data C"VarDataC"Variable C from the CTI for the call.
Var Data D"VarDataD"Variable D from the CTI event for the call.
Variable Data E"VarDataE"Variable E from the CTI event for the call.

Avaya specific values

Variable nameFilter nameDescription
UUI Call Type Indicator Starting Position"UUI Call Type Indicator Starting Position"Where to store the treatment indicator in the UUI data.
Callback Call Type Indicator Value"Callback Call Type Indicator Value"Stores what to use as the the Callback indicator for UUI data from the system variable UUICallbackCallTypeIndicatorValue.
Holding Call Type Indicator Value"Holding Call Type Indicator Value"Identifies what to use as the Holding Call indicator for UUI data from the system variable UUIHoldinfCallTypeIndicatorValue
Treatment Needed Call Type Indicator Value"Treatment Needed Call Type Indicator Value"The UUI Treatment Needed indicator on the call.
Untreated Call Type Indicator Value"Untreated Call Type Indicator Value"The UUI Underthreshol Treatment indicator for the call.

ICM specific values

Variable nameFilter nameDescription
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 1"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable1"The CallVariables from the ICM System onto the call.
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 2"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable2"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 3"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable3"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 4"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable4"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 5"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable5"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 6"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable6"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 7"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable7"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 8"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable8"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 9"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable9"
Cisco ICM UUI Call Variable 10"Cisco ICM UUI CallVariable10"
Cisco ICM UUI CED"Cisco ICM UUI CED"The Caller Entered Digits on the call?
Cisco ICM UUI DNIS"Cisco ICM UUI DNIS"The DNIS from ICM on the call.
ICM VRU Service Type"ICMVRUServiceType"The service TYPE, Inbound or VirtualQueue on call.
ICM VRU Trunk Number"ICMVRUTrunkNumber"The VRU trunk to which the call was assigned.
Router Key"RouterKey"The combination of the RouteCallKey and RouterCallDay to track call for an ICM system.

Genesys specific values

Variable nameFilter nameDescription
Diverted Occurred Before Queued"Diverted Occurred Before Queued"Indicates the call was answered before the call was queued.
Genesys VRP Device"Genesys VRP Device"The Genesys Transfer Device on the call if using Preview or Progressive modes.
Genesys TServer Name"GenesysTServerName"The name of the TServer.
GENESYS Inbound Call"GENESYS InboundCall"The time an inbound call was received from Genesys.
VH VTO"VH VTO"Identifies if using Genesys Voice Treatment Option.
Call Type"Call Type"Set to External for Aspect and Genesys
End Callback Date Time"End Callback Date Time"The date the call expired in a Genesys System.
End Callback Seconds"End Callback Seconds"The time since the call expired, and when Virtual Hold received the event.
Preview Answered"Preview Answered"Set to the agent that answered the preview call.
Routing Complete"Routing Complete"Set to true if the route set to the switch was used.
Var Data A"VarDataA"Variable A from the CTI event for the call.
Var Data B"VarDataB"Variable B from the CTI event for the call.
Var Data C"VarDataC"Variable C from the CTI event for the call.
Var Data D"VarDataD"Variable D from the CTI event for the call.
Variable Data E"VarDataE"Variable E from the CTI event for the call.
VRP Call Created"VRPCall Created"Set to true if the call is a VRP call.

IVR values

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
CBDC Remaining EWT"CBDC Remaining EWT"The calculated remaining EWT for the original call during CBDC (CallBackDoubleCheck) validation.
IB IVR Scheduling Chosen"IBIVR Scheduling Chosen"Identifies if scheduling was chosen from the VIR.
IVR State"IVR State"The call's current state in the IVR.
Max Invalid Phone Numbers"Max Invalid Phone Numbers"The last phone number entered when the maximum invalid phone number was reached.
Phone Number"Phone Number"The phone number to use during the callback.
Prompt Recorder"Prompt Recorder"The Prompt Record DeviceId when using Prompt Recorder on a call.
VHT Line Number"VHTLineNumber"The LineNumber for the IVRExtension the call is on

FIFO, Hold, or Schedule variables

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
Callback Forecasted Time Interval"Callback Forecasted Time Interval"The projected timeslot that the call will be called back. Each timeslot repersents a 15 minute interval from midnight.
Callback Pending Cancellation"Callback Pending Cancellation"Indicates the call as in the process of being canceled.
Call Come In Time"Call Come In Time"The time the call was classified as either a holding or ASAP call.
Initial Queue Position"Initial Queue Position"The initial queue position when the call was created.
Main Queue TimeStamp"MainQueue TimeStamp"The time when the call entered the main queue.
Queue Tracker Time Stamp"QueueTracker TimeStamp"The time in ms when the call entered the queue tracker.
Valid EWT Event"Valid EWT Event"Indicates whether the call should be considered in the EWT calculations.
Voice File"VoiceFile"The name of the voice file which is used when speaking the caller's name.
VoxFile"VoxFile"The name of the voice file which is used with Outbound Contact Client (OCC).

Callback variables

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
Answering Machine Attempts"Answering Machine Attempts"The current number of times the answering machine answered the callback.
Busy Attempts"Busy Attempts"The current number of times the line was busy for a callback.
Callback Attempts"Callback Attempts"The current number of callback attempts.
Callback Failed Count"Callback Failed Count"The current number of failed callback attempts.
Dynamic Prority"Dynamic Prority"Indicates the call is launched when it is qualified.
Failed Dial Timeout"Failed Dial Timeout"Indicates if the IVR failed to dial the callback.
Is Last Answering Machine Attempt"Is Last Answering Machine Attempt"Indicates if the call is on its final answering attempt.
Making Callback"Making Callback"Indicates when the call is being made.
No Answer Attempts"No Answer Attempts"The number of times a call was not answered when a callback was attempted.
Rescheduled"Rescheduled"The date and time for a scheduled callback.
Show if call has outbound license"Show if call has outbound license"Indicates if the call has received an outbound license from the license server.
Try Again Attempts"Try Again Attempts"The current number of try again callback attempt.

Queue variables

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
Callback Calls Passed"Callback Calls Passed"The number of callbacks that passed the current callback in the queue.
Holding Calls Passed"Holding Calls Passed"The number of holding calls that passed the current callback in the queue.

Outreach variables

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
ReCall Ans Mach Attempts"ReCall Ans Mach Attempts"The current number of times the Outreach call was answered by an answering machine.
ReCall Busy Attempts"ReCall Busy Attempts"The current number of times the Outreach call received a busy signal when the call was attempted.
ReCall Call"ReCall Call"Identifies the call as an Outreach call.
ReCall Combo Attempts"ReCall Combo Attempts"The current number of times the Outreach call was attempted.
ReCall Name File"ReCall Name File"The name file played when making an Outreach call.
ReCall No Answer Attempts"ReCall No Answer Attempts"The current number of times the Outreach call was not answered when the callback was attempted.
ReCall Hail Menu2 Get Digit"ReCallHailMenu2GetDigit"The digits pressed from the IVR while in Hail Menu 2.
ReCall Hail Menu1 Get Digit"ReCallHailMenu1GetDigit"The digits pressed from the IVR while in Hail Menu 1.
ReCall Hailing Get Digit"ReCallHailingGetDigit"The digits pressed from the IVR while hailing the caller.
ReCall Answering Machine Get Digit"ReCallAnsMachGetDigit"The digits pressed from the IVR while playing a message to answering machine.

Call states

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
State"State"The current state of the call.
New Call"New Call"

Identifies a new call. Values are:

  • New Call
  • Interaction Created
New Web FIFO Call"New Web FIFO Call"A FIFO call created using the PTK.
New Web Scheduled Call"New Web Scheduled Call"The date and time of the scheduled callback that is set when creating a call from the PTK.
New Restored Call"New Restored Call"Identifies a call restored after a restart. The call state is then changed to the appropriate call type after the restart.
New ReCall Call"New ReCall Call"Identifies a new Outreach call.
New External FIFO Call"New External FIFO Call"Identifies the call as an External FIFO Call.
New External Scheduled Call"New External Scheduled Call"Identifies the call as an External Scheduled Call.
Smart Route"Smart Route"Identifies the reason for smart routing the call.
Route To Hold Queue"Route To Hold Queue"Identifies the call as sent to the Holding Queue.
Route To IB IVR"Route To IB IVR"Identifies the call as sent to the IVR because Overthreshold or QSpeak mode is on.
Default Route To Hold Queue"Default Route To Hold Queue"Indicates the call was routed to the IVR, but the IVR was down and the call default routed to the hold queue.
Route Failed"Route Failed"Identifies the call failed to route to its destination.
Route Refused"Route Refused"Identifies the routing engine refused to route the call
Seized IB IVR Port"Seized IB IVR Port"The inbound port seized for the callback
IB IVR Port Answered"IB IVR Port Answered"Identifies the call as in the IVR.
IB IVR Port Cleared"IB IVR Port Cleared"Identifies the call as from the IVR.
IB IVR Port Disconnected"IB IVR Port Disconnected"Identifies when the call is no longer on the IVR.
Invalid Phone Number"Invalid Phone Number"Identifies an invalid phone number was entered
IVR Timeout"IVR Timeout"The maximum time the caller is expected to be in the IVR.
Chose FIFO"Chose FIFO"Identifies the caller chose an ASAP callback.
Chose Hold"Chose Hold"Identifies the caller elected to hold.
Chose Scheduled"Chose Scheduled"The schedule date and time of the scheduled callback when a caller chooses a scheduled call.
Forced Disconnect"Forced Disconnect"Identifies the IVR disconnected the caller.
Forced Hold"Forced Hold"Identifies the call was forced to hold.
CBDC Transfer To Hi"CBDC Transfer To Hi"Indicates to QueueManager that the call should be routed to the High Priority queue.
Callback Successful"Callback Successful"Identifies the call as successful.
Callback Failed"Callback Failed"Identifies the callback failed.
Enterprise Route"Enterprise Route"Identifies enterprise routing is on with system variable EnterpriseACDEnabled.
Source Application"Source Application"

Identifies the source of where the call came from, such as:

  • ACD Interaction
  • Platform ToolKit API
  • VXML Interaction Server
Disconnected"Disconnected"Identifies the call as disconnected.
Transfer Error"Transfer Error"Identifies the call as a transfer error.
Start ReCall"Start ReCall"Identifies when the Outreach call should be launched.
Start Callback"Start Callback"Identifies whether the callback is being made in preview mode, or progressive mode for Genesys
Outbound IVR Session ID"Outbound IVR Session ID"The IVR Session ID from GVP or AVP during a callback attempt.
Callback Connected"CallbackConnected"The time the callback was connected to the caller.
Queued To Callback Queue"Queued To Callback Queue"Identifies when the call has arrived in the callback queue.
Queued To Hold Queue"Queued To Hold Queue"Identifies when the call has arrived in the holding queue.
Seized Agent"Seized Agent"Identifies the agent as a seized agent.
Agent Answered"Agent Answered"Identifies when the agent answered.
Answered Offsite"Answered Offsite"Indicates the call is not associated to a monitored agent group.
Callback Cancelled"Callback Cancelled"Identifies the callback as canceled.
Call Lost"Call Lost"Identifies the call was lost in the system, and not cleaned up after a set period of time.
Callback Expired"Callback Expired"Indicates Genesys did not respond to QueueManager after a configured amount of time.
Final State"Final State"Identifies the final state of the call.
Interaction Expired"Interaction Expired"Indicates the call state did not change after the creation of the interaction.
Start Timer"Start Timer"Indicates the Operation Mode was changed to shutdown or to holding timeout when the start timer is passed.

Call information from the IVR

Variable nameFilter valueDescription
CBDC Menu Get Digit"CBDC Menu Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed while in the CBDC menu.
Collect Time Get Digits"Collect Time Get Digits"Identifies the digits pressed while in the IVR.
Date Book Menu Get Digit"DateBook Menu Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed while in DateBook menu.
DTMF Digits"DTMF Digits"Identifies the DTMF digits collected for the call.
Entered Dial Department"Entered Dial Department"Identifies the department number that was entered from the IVR.
Entered Dial Extension"Entered Dial Extension"Identifies the Entered Dial Extension for playback on the IVR.
Entered Phone Number"Entered Phone Number"Identifies the Entered Phone Number for playback on the IVR.
Ext Ok Menu Get Digit"Ext Ok Menu Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed in the Extension OK menu.
Ext Hail 1C Get Digit"Ext Hail 1C Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed in the Extension 1C Hail menu.
Ext Hail Menu Get Digit"Ext Hail Menu Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed in the Extension Hail Menu.
Ext Request Get Digit"Ext Request Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed when digits were requested.
Ext Request No Reponse"Ext Request No Reponse"Identifies the digit pressed while playing no response.
Get Digit After Hours"Get Digit After Hours"Identifies the digits pressed while in the IVR for after hours.
Get Digit Opt Out"Get Digit OptOut"Identifies the digits pressed while in the IVR for opting out.
Get File Get Digit"Get File Get Digit"Identifies the digit for the Prompt Recorder file to modify.
Get Password Get Digits"Get Password Get Digits"Identifies the digits entered for the password to be validated.
Get Script Get Digits"Get Script Get Digits"Identifies the digit for the script to be changed.
Get User Id Get Digits"Get User Id Get Digits"Identifies the digits entered for the user ID to be validated.
Group Ext Selected"GroupExtSelected"Identifies the IVR Extension group that was selected for the Call using IVR Extension Groups.
Inbound Further Menu"Inbound Further Menu"Identifies the digit pressed while in the inbound further menu.
Inbound Main Menu"Inbound Main Menu"Identifies the digit pressed while in the Main Menu.
Inbound Phone Ok Menu GetDigit"Inbound Phone Ok Menu GetDigit"Identifies the digit pressed while in the Inbound Phone OK Menu.
Inbound Post Desc Menu"Inbound Post Desc Menu"Identifies the digit pressed while in the inbound post description menu.
PIVR Option Menu"PIVR Option Menu"Identifies the digit pressed to advance in the Prompt Recorder options menu.
PIVR Record Menu"PIVR Record Menu"Identifies the digit pressed while in the prompt recorder menu.
Play Answering Machine Call Again"Play AnsMach Call Again"Identifies the digit pressed while playing a message to the answering machine.
Play Answering Machine Final"Play AnsMach Final"Identifies the digit pressed while playing the answering machine final attempt
Play Answering Machine Hail 1B"Play AnsMach Hail 1B"Identifies the digits pressed while hailing the customer while hailing.
Play Answering Machine No Response"Play AnsMach NoResponse"Identifies the digit pressed while playing answering machine no response.
ReSched Get Digit"ReSched Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed for scheduling a call.
Schedule AMPM Get Digit"Schedule AMPM Get Digit"Identifies the digit pressed for either AM or PM.
Scheduled Day Of Week Get Digit"Scheduled Day Of Week Get Digit"Identifies the day of week pressed for scheduled callbacks.
VirtualQ Further Menu"VirtualQ Further Menu"Identifies the digit pressed while in the VirtualQ Further Menu.
VirtualQ Main Menu"VirtualQ Main Menu"Identifies the digit pressed while in the VirtualQ Main Menu.