(9.0+) Treatment

Treatment contains settings that determine how and if the VHT Callback® system treats callers. This configuration controls the overall experience that calls received. It is part of the settings found in Configuration > Call Flow.

Operation Mode

  • Use Operation Mode to set the behavior of the VHT Callback system.
  • Change Operation Modes according to a weekly time schedule, by specific time or date, or for holidays using settings found in Schedules > Operation Schedules or Schedules > Holiday Operation.
Offer CallbacksDial CallbacksAnnounce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system handles calls in the Holding Queue alone until the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting.
  • EWT can be announced, and callers given the option:
    • to be called back, ASAP Callback option.
    • to continue to wait on hold.

    • to schedule a callback at a later time/date, Scheduled Callback option.

  • Use during business hours. Set as a Scheduled Operation Mode coinciding with Business Open, found in Schedules > Operation Schedules.
Queue Speak
Offer CallbacksDial Callbacks Announce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system announces EWT when a call is above the Turn On Threshold setting then transfers to Holding Queue.
  • Announce EWT below Turn on Threshold using In QueueSpeak Mode - Under Threshold setting in Voice Experience > EWT Placement.
  • The system continues to make callbacks. Calls are handled in the order they were received.
  • Does not offer callbacks.
Note: Use this mode to enhance Holding Queue by announcing EWT when callbacks are not going to be offered.
Offer CallbacksDial CallbacksAnnounce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system does not greet any new calls.
  • All new calls go to the Holding Queue.
  • The system continues to make callbacks. Calls are handled in the order they were received.
  • Scheduled callbacks and retries are still launched.
  • Empties the Virtual Queue so callbacks are not made after Business Close.
Note: Use this mode as the end of the business day approaches or use the Smart Purge feature to do this automatically. See the Smart Operation Mode section for more information.
Rapid Purge
Offer CallbacksDial CallbacksAnnounce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system does not greet any new calls.
  • All new calls go to the Holding Queue.
  • All ASAP Callbacks in the Virtual Queue are immediately called back until there are none remaining.
  • Scheduled callbacks and retries are still launched.
  • Calls are not handled in the order which they were received.
  • Existing callers in the Holding Queue continue to hold until the Virtual Queue is empty.
  • All calls launch at the same time on every available open port.
Note: Use this mode when your business is going to close unexpectedly.
  • Individual queues can be shutdown without shutting down the VHT Callback system.
  • Calls are not answered and the VHT Callback system is not monitoring.
  • The system can be accessed for administration.
  • All calls are handled only by the Holding Queue.
  • Real-time data is not available.
  • The VHT Callback system does not greet, answer or track any calls.
  • All calls are routed to the Holding Queue.
  • The VHT Callback system is monitoring the queue, but information is not recorded or reported.
  • Real-time data is available.
  • If set, use in conjunction with Business Close time.
Offer CallbacksDial CallbacksAnnounce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system greets callers and offers to schedule a callback.
  • Use this mode after normal business hours.
  • Option to hold is removed.
  • This option requires Enable Scheduled Callbacks in Voice Experience > Menu Options to be ON.
  • Benefit of AfterHours is enhanced customer experience by providing an alternative to calling back during business hours.
Virtual Queue
Offer CallbacksDial CallbacksAnnounce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system allows calls to be handled by the Holding Queue alone, until the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting.
  • Speaks EWT before forcing into Virtual Queue.
  • The VHT Callback system greets callers when the Turn On Threshold has been breached and offers the ASAP Callback option.
  • Scheduled Callback option is offered if Voice Experience > Menu Options > Scheduled Callback in Virtual Queue Mode is enabled.
  • Option to hold is removed.
  • Callers are added to the Virtual Queue and called back in the order they were received.
  • Use EWT for Smart Virtual Queue to do this automatically to prevent excessive calls in the Holding Queue.
Offer CallbacksDial CallbacksAnnounce EWTOffer Hold
  • The VHT Callback system allows calls to be handled by the Holding Queue alone, until the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting.
  • The VHT Callback system greets callers when the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting and offers the Scheduled Callback option.
  • Does not offer the ASAP Callback option.
  • Requires Enable Scheduled Callbacks in Voice Experience > Menu Options to be ON.
  • Option to hold is offered only when Voice Experience > Menu Options > Choose Hold in DateBook Mode is ON.
Note: Use this mode during normal business hours when no agents will be available to take calls, such as during a company meeting.

Ignore Scheduled Operation Mode Events

Prevents scheduled operation mode events and scheduled Holiday events from taking place. Operation mode can only be changed manually.

ONOperation Mode is not affected by Days to Offer Scheduled Callbacks or Operation Schedules.
OFFDefault setting.

Turn On Threshold

Determines how the VHT Callback system interacts with callers.

Amount of time the EWT must exceed before calls are offered any Callback treatment.Valid: 00:00:00 - 23:59:59Default: 00:02:00

Queue Mode

  • Determines how the VHT Callback system connects the caller and the agent.
  • Predictive is the default value.
  • Agent Priority is available for IVG (Avaya, Cisco, and Genesys).
  • Default setting. This is the recommended and most efficient Queue Mode, as agents do not have to wait to be connected to callers.
  • The VHT Callback system launches a callback before an agent becomes available.
  • Uses Queue Time Remaining to Trigger Dial in Call Flow > Dial Pacing and queue position for callback launch.
Agent Priority

This mode is available for IVG (Avaya, Cisco UCCE, and Genesys)

  • At callback time, Queue Manager initiates a call to the agent group.
  • The VHT Callback system connects an agent first, then launches the callback to the customer.
  • When an agent answers, user data is attached and the agent is placed on hold while the callback is made to the customer.
  • Once the customer answers and accepts the call, the agent and the customer calls are joined, and the call is marked as completed.
  • Agent is released back into the agent pool if the callback fails.

Smart Operation Mode

Changes behavior of the VHT Callback system when EWT extends beyond business hours. Allows the Virtual Queue to be emptied so callbacks are not made after the business day is over.

  • For every new call, the Smart Operation Mode setting compares the EWT to the amount of business time left in the day, as specified in Schedules > Operation Schedules.
  • If the EWT exceeds the amount of business time left in the day, the VHT Callback system automatically uses the Operation Mode named.
  • Depending on your configuration, the VHT Callback system might also play the EWT before routing the call to the specified location.
None Set Off. Default setting
Smart PurgeRoutes calls directly to the specified location without playing the EWT.
Smart QueueSpeakPlays EWT then routes the call to the specified location.

Smart Purge Destination

Controls which queue calls route to when Smart Operation Mode settings are enabled.

Holding Queue

Under Threshold Queue

Enable Smart Virtual Queue

Enable or disable EWT for Smart Virtual Queue setting

  • Each new call has the option for a callback with no option to hold.
  • Occurs if EWT is greater than EWT for Smart Virtual Queue value.
  • Default
  • Acts according to the OpMode or other Smart Feature that is currently in force.

EWT for Smart Virtual Queue

  • Prevents an excessive number of calls in the Holding Queue by only allowing the callback option.
  • For every new call, EWT is compared to the Smart Virtual Queue Threshold.
When EWT exceeds this value, the queue switches to the Virtual Queue mode.

Valid: 00:00:00 - 23:59:59

Default: 00:00:00


This setting is evaluated only if Smart Purge or Smart QueueSpeak are set. See previous setting for functions.

Under Threshold When Agents Available

Affects how calls are routed based upon the agents ready to take a call.

ONNew calls are routed to the Holding Queue if agents are available, regardless of wait time.
OFF Default setting. New calls are always given Callback treatment, if wait time exceeds the Turn On Threshold.


  • The main purpose for setting to ON is that there are agents available to route new calls to the agent pool when agent availability is apparent.
  • Requires real-time.
  • This will promote some calls to be placed in front of previously existing callbacks.

Treat Even When No Agents Staffed


Used for testing purposes only.

  • In systems where real-time data is not provided to Callback, this setting should be ON.
  • The ON setting can be used to create a demo mode for a test queue.
  • Requires real-time.
  • Affects how calls are routed based upon the agents logged in.
  • By default, calls are sent directly to the Under Threshold Queue when no agents are staffed for a particular queue. The VHT Callback system does not treat the call, even if the Turn On Threshold is breached, since there are no agents to accept return calls.
ONNo agent is necessary in order to receive Callback treatment when EWT exceeds the Turn On Threshold setting.
OFF Default setting.

Agent Priority Unsuccessful Routing

The system dials out and then attempts to connect to an agent. If an agent cannot be connected within the specified time, or if the agent gets disconnected before reaching the caller, the system will fallback to a regular predictive outbound attempt.

  • Affects Agent Priority mode ONLY
  • Affects how calls are routed based upon the agents ready to take a call.
ON and in Agent Priority modeIf no agent is available when a callback is to be made, the callback launches. Once a caller answers and accepts the callback, they are transferred to the ACD Priority Queue.
OFF Default setting. Outbound call fails and is scheduled for retry based on Maximum Ringing without Answers settings set in Call Flow > Retry Attempts.

Start Up Operation Mode

Determines which Operation Mode takes precedence after a restart of the system.

Settings Function
Last Mode SetSets the Operation Mode from Treatment > Operation Mode.
Follow Operation ScheduleSets the Operation Mode from Schedules > Operation Schedules or Schedules > Holiday Operation table, if applicable.