(9.0+) Queuing Safeguards

Queuing safeguards are settings that ensure all calls are tracked completely. This type of configuration covers situations that occur infrequently.

Maximum Holding Calls Passed


In the holding queue, the number of calls behind a particular call that can be answered before we assume we missed the agent answer event.

Prevents a holding from continuing to be tracked after it has actually been answered.

Valid: 0 - 999

Default: 3

Maximum Callbacks Passed

In the Priority queue, when a call exceeds this number of agent answer events the call is cleaned up and reported as a passed call.

Valid: 0 - 999

Default: 3

Timeout - Call Lost After First Call Passed

In the holding queue, when a call is initially passed up by a new call, this is the amount of time to wait before cleaning up the call and reporting it as a call lost.

Valid: 00:00 - 23:59

Default: 04:00

Result Code when Call Passed in Queue


Marks the call as Answered Off Site or Call Lost if a call is not answered while calls behind it are being answered.

This could occur if a call is routed to an alternate site where Callback software is not installed, or if call events are lost in transit.

Valid: Answered Off Site/ Call Lost

Default: Answered Off Site

Timeout - Call Lost after Shutdown

Sets the length of time to wait after changing to Shutdown mode before queued calls are reported as a lost calls.

Valid: 00:00 - 23:59

Default: 00:16