(9.2+) EWT Calculation

The On-Premise Callback system provides several algorithms that are customized for different environments.

EWT Algorithm

Always save changes to settings before making changes to another algorithm.

Agent Weighting

A dynamic array based on the size of the agent group when ACD can provide real time.

  • The Callback system uses the number of agents staffed to adjust the array size by a factor of two.
  • Use this algorithm when your ACD can provide information about:
    • agent staffing
    • agent availability
    • calls in the Holding Queue.

Agent-Adjusted History

A static array that does not adjust based on the number of agents currently staffed in the contact center.

  • This is the default value.
  • For best results, when you use this setting, set the Default Number of Agents to the weekly average of the number of agents normally logged in when the call center opens.
  • Use when the number of agents changes.
  • By default, this algorithm uses the Default Number of Agents times the Number of Samples Multiplier.
Rolling History
  • EWT calculation based on the number of calls answered in the last 15 minutes.
  • On initial startup or change of Operation Mode, if Reset on Mode Change (to Normal) option is enabled, this algorithm initially uses the default values Default Average Call Handle Time and Default Number of Agents to calculate EWT.
  • As actual wait time information becomes available, it displaces the default values in EWT calculations.
  • It is also possible to include the ratio of abandoned calls to initial queue position in the EWT calculation.

Default Number of Agents

Description Values
  • The number of agents that typically staff the contact center for the particular queue.
  • Set this to the weekly average of the number of agents normally logged in when the contact center opens.
  • Used in conjunction withDefault Average Call Handle Time to determine PCWT samples in array.

Valid: 0 - 999

Default: 1

Default Average Call Handle Time

Description Values
  • Theaverage length of time that a caller talks to an agent for the specified queue.
  • After calls have been completed, real data replaces this value in the array.
  • Use for calculation of the initial EWT.
  • Use with EWT Algorithm and Default Number of Agents settings to determine EWT.

Valid: 00:00:00 - 23:59:59

Default: 00:00:45

Reset on Mode Change (to Normal)

Description Values
  • When ON, and the Operation Mode in Call Flow > Treatmentis changed to NORMAL, the array will be reset.
  • When OFF, the array will not reset when you change the Operation Mode.

Valid: ON/OFF

Default: ON

Use this setting first thing in the morning to clear your EWT calculations of last night's data.